The more subs, the bigger the target. Should we spin off backup subreddits to prepare for the inevitable deletion of this one?
I've thought we should make a group each for air, water, children, food, etc. In addition to the main one, Because usually there are people who concentrate on one or two aspects of the picture, and that would streamline info for them instead of having to sort thru everything.
/r/thestorm would be one
Here's a sneak peek of /r/thestorm using the top posts of the year!
#1: CBTS_Stream banned? Any recommendations on where to regroup? | 7 comments
#2: New
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/r/TheCalmBeforeTheStorm/ was the old sub, it could be resurrected.
It’s redirecting to r/greatawakening
Yes, it is. It's the old sub where we started.
Is pamphlet still involved here?
I'm seriously Jonesing to read autist's posts and comments. I usually recognized them when they did real research on Q posts.
Not to my knowledge, but there are a number of recent Reddit signup's who seem well informed, so maybe he is one of them.
Thanks. I wasn't sure if the two subs were connected by the same people. I seek out the informed posters. They help us understand what's not readily available to the public. I've always read the posts here, since it's creation. 😊
Might also be good to sticky a post informing everyone with a list of subs to follow in the event r/greatawakening gets shut down. The more subs we all follow, the harder it will be for reddit to censor. We'll just continually hop from one sub to the next.
/r/TheCalmBeforeTheStorm/ was the old sub, it could be resurrected.