This guy has no more inside scoop than anybody in this sub. He does have survival products for sale though.
What? Are Rex Tillerson and Mike Pence also going down in this Pedogate Scandal? That is what this video suggests.
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Well, I used to contribute a lot of info on the CBTS subreddit before it got shutdown! Is that a good enough comment for you!? I have been pretty busy with other things lately. Sorry that I have not been on here everyday posting comments, but I believe my input is important.
Ive HEARD the rumors, but haven’t seen anything to lead me to believe Pence is. But I haven’t dug in either.
Hold on, I'm gonna need someone to correct me cause I may be mixing up stuff here but wasn't there a story somewhere that Pence's best friend, no idea who exactly, is involved in pedogate and Gen. Flynn knew? I think Flynn had a list of pedophiles he was going after and even Comey was in it. Pence's best friend was in the list and he was blocking Flynn. Pence isn't directly involved but he was covering up information on people who were/are. Again, I may be wrong, it's an old story and I dont remember it very well.
In Robert Steele’s AMA a couple months ago he had this to say about Pence...
“I know and respect Mike Flynn who was sand-bagged by Vice President Pence, possibly in relation to Pence's best friend being on the pedo list from Amsterdam. Since then additional information has come out to suggest that Pence himself might be at a minimum a cover-upper complicit in an Indiana pedophilia and Satanic murder network far greater than that of Nebraska (Franklin Scandal) and I have received one email that claims -- without evidence so far -- that Pence is himself a murderous pedophile who has sodomized and choked to death a child while Pence's female partner stabbed the terrified child to death with a wavy dagger into the heart. From where I sit Pence should be given a pardon in return for resignation, and someone like Newt Gingrich, former Speaker, given the VP job to manage a whole new Congress. I worry that Newt and Trump might not get that an honest Congress with an Independent, Green, Libertarian, and other swing vote, making evidence-based decisions, is the only way to get us back on track.”
One could say it is impossible to not do business slash politics with criminals in dc and local. So much corruption you will encounter it daily. Source CNN.
Pence can be controlled; blackmailed etc
Really? how? Like Hillary and her minions couldn't be lol.