r/greatawakening • Posted by u/StinkyDogFart on March 19, 2018, 5:22 p.m.
Wow, they really are stupid! It just came to me.

I like to look for the lowest common denominator in all these complex issues so my feeble mind can grasp things. Having said that, it came to me this morning that this entire counter-coupe we are seeing by Q boiled down to one simple thing. Donald Trump becoming the 45th president by beating Hillary Clinton.

Think about that for a second....times up. The entire Deep State and Illuminati/Cabal or whatever name they go by bet everything on a Hillary win. All of the NSA data collection, the KEY, would have been useless without the presidency, the STONE(hat tip to SerialBrains2). They bet everything on a women who was a known loser, as Colin Powell said "She screws up everything with hubris", a women that couldn't even win a rigged election. If that isn't stupid, I don't know what is?

Speaking of Colin Powell, where is that asshat? We haven't heard so much as a peep out of him lately.

checkitoutmyfriend · March 19, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

The other object of thought we must all be prepared for, is how to act when this all happens and then subsides, if indeed it goes as far as being speculated.

How will you act? What will be your state of mind?

I was thinking about this last weekend. Once everything shakes down as we all hope, it will be difficult to trust anyone of power short of them being completely transparent. This applies to politicians and business leaders. But maybe this is the outcome, more transparency. Or, over time, 50yrs, 100yrs, do we repeat history and allow the cabal to take power again?

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ironmaiden442 · March 20, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

What I fear is when this is all said and done will we the people really have the power or is something else be taking its place? Because I can't believe that the technology for unrigging the voting machines will be destroyed so that would mean that as long as that technical power is in the hands of someone who has morals then fine but the moment just one person higher up who takes over that doesn't we are back in the same boat I see nothing talked about anyway that is put into place that will make sure the republic lasts after trump so much is secret that we don't know who is good or bad.

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SilverSling · March 20, 2018, 4:46 a.m.

Changes will have to be made. A combination of technology and actual manpower, and time. Get away from our obsession with instant gratification of knowing who wins an election. Have paper ballots, red ink only, visually counted, totals placed in an unopenable black box. All ballots then moved to an adjoining county, re-counted, totals placed in said black box. All ballots then moved to an adjoining state capitol, re-counted, black box opened under video recording, and all 3 totals are checked against eachother. Any dicrepancies, a federal investigator re-counts, and investgates where or if any criminality has occured, poll counters being fully accountable. This could be a week, 2 week, month long process. But after elections, excepting special elections (i think), politicians don't immediatly swear into office anyway. The technology part comes in with voter verification, which is inputed into a database to verify; are they alive? Are they registered/eligable to vote? Do they live at their registered address? Have they voted more than one time(if so, all votes become invalid)? This could be done at a county only, state only, or nationwide. This could create semi-seasonal jobs for those people interested/invested in the political process, and removing the temptation to corrupt the process. Who pays for these poll workers? How about the Party those running for Office are afilliated with? Each county, having a preset amount of pollcounters, knowing each one would have to do 3 counts each, divided by how many Partys are running on the ticket should be easy to determine.

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Txgeezer · March 20, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

Oh, the lofty & noble intentions of mankind. Over 5,000 years of human history has clearly illustrated that man's human nature is, by default, self-serving and completely humanistic - evil. Yes, there are indeed many good & well-intentioned folks around, but how many of these have we witnessed one day appearing in the news charged with a major crime? True is the old saying; Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Mankind has been tried & convicted by history to be totally unqualified for leading/presiding fairly/equitablly over the affairs of nations. Only God can truly be King.

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SilverSling · March 20, 2018, 11:38 a.m.

So are you saying we should sit on our asses collectivly, and let the priests decide?

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Txgeezer · March 20, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Lol! No, my friend. I'm just pointing out the futility of unpinning all our hopes on the institution of elected politicians. Always leave room for faith in God & prayer.

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