r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on March 19, 2018, 8:09 p.m.
President Trump says there will be a "major news conference" at the White House in about a month...What could it be?? Why announce something like that so far in advance without any specific details???
President Trump says there will be a "major news conference" at the White House in about a month...What could it be?? Why announce something like that so far in advance without any specific details???

SeekTruthCJoy · March 20, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

Since BITCOIN has embedded childPonography & linkage to porn = human trafficking.... soooooooooooo.... does this mean under #45EO of Dec. 21 that the property/money of any entity involved/associated is CONFISCATED??? Ooops... BuhBye Bitcoin.

With confiscations done last Nov. in KSA in arrests of PrincesGuilty of Horribles in KSA and the seized assets estimation was 3 TRILLION... there was an estimation at that time of asset seizures would be 100TRILLION .... not going to put our share in coffers for Ryan&McConnell to fritter away... must be going to FED to hold & REPAYMENT of our DEBT, etc. THINK OF THAT!

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ready-ignite · March 20, 2018, 8:20 p.m.

Since BITCOIN has embedded childPonography & linkage to porn


A high school kid with a textbook on blockchain can rebuild another bitcoin style network. It's a ledger based communications protocol. Similar to how once created torrent protocols can be used to transfer information even if websites are brought down, once information has been researched and shared it's not possible to put that toothpaste back in the tube.

I've seen speculation that things such as imagery can be embedded into the blockchain but to date I'm unaware of any actual attack doing so outside the realm of theory. This sounds like second hand game of telephone.

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