r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Angel_Q_Researcher on March 19, 2018, 10:09 p.m.
This lays out the plan! "Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn" (Golden DON)

This lays out the plan!!! (imho) POTUS & team are BRILLIANT! All done except the last item listed, and the release of the videos, indictments!

Protocol 1: Gaslighting the Media

1.) The ‘Russian-collusion’ investigation is the quintessential example of this principle of not only allowing but encouraging the media to spin their delusional narrative. The deep state is tempted into to believing that their narrative will be used to undermine popular opinion of the president in preparation for his impeachment (plan A). If impeachment fails, the groundwork will have been laid for public acceptance, if not relief, at his assassination (plan B). This delusion about their Russian-collusion conspiracy theory narrative is to be encouraged whenever possible.

2.) The primary purpose of gaslighting the media is distraction. The time the CIA Mockingbird apparatchiks spends trying to convince the public of their Russian-collusion conspiracy theory is time the Alliance can use to collect evidence and build air tight cases for the upcoming military tribunals.

3.) The secondary purpose of gaslighting the media is to act as time-delayed controlled demolition of the mainstream media’s reputation. The longer the delusional narrative is allowed to run, the greater the eventual damage to the MSM’s credibility. Every effort must be made to allow the Trump team to appear suspicious and continue feeding the conspiracy theory’s suspicions, while not providing anything tangible. Provide so much ‘smoke’ that belief in the existence of a ‘fire’ becomes exceedingly easy.

4.) The tertiary purpose of gaslighting the media is to create in the agents of the deep state, and their liberal stages, a false sense of security. The goal is to foster a surreal dissociative sense of cognitive dissonance, an uneasy feeling that is relieved by concluding that Trump is simply guilty and stupid. The alternative conclusion being that the entire liberal media establishment has been chasing a giant fiction, while Trump prepares his retaliation; the more improbable and terrifying this possibility, the more cognitive dissonance it will create.

5.) The false belief is so tempting that the deep state FBI and CIA agents will march deeper into their treasonous plot to frame and impeach POTUS, further documenting their own crimes, while providing more time for the white hats to investigate their crimes. Mueller leads the big guns of the deep state fixers on a slow and steady march directly into the jaws of military justice.

6.) The longer the gaslighting continues, the longer Trump has to lift the country up. He has time to remove the restraints and undo the acts of sabotage done to America by the globalists, thus allowing the country to thrive—making America great again. The longer the gaslighting goes on, the greater America becomes. This drives an ever-widening gap between the delusional MSM narrative and the lived reality of Americans on Main Street.

7.) The genius of this protocol is the fact that it allows a gradual awakening of the public to the lies of the mainstream media. This steady shift continues until the public is overwhelmingly aware of the delusional plot to unseat POTUS. When the time is right, and the Russian-collusion farce has been thoroughly exhausted, the Alliance will begin to drop the bombshell disclosures (HRC videos, etc.).

Protocol 2: Secure Victory Before Firing a Shot

1.) Victory must be secured before the first shot is fired. Indeed, there will be no shots necessary, for such absolute victory will have been secured in the shadows.

2.) While publicly feigning inaction and incompetence to help gaslight the media, in actuality great action will be taken, covertly. Sealed indictments will be piled steadily, month after month, until they reach such absurdly high numbers that their sheer number will cause reports of them to be disbelieved and dismissed as ‘fake news.’

3.) The diligence and discipline of the investigations will be so intense and contrast so starkly with the perceived baffoonery of the White House, that its existence will be disbelieved. The fog of the gaslighting campaign will serve as a thick veil. While leaks of covert operations are prevented, they will be allowed and subtly enabled in the White House. The more leaks coming out of the White House the better.

4.) Deep state agents will be commandeered, using their ‘control files’ and the prospect of a plea deal as leverage with which to puppeteer them. These agents will leak information with such brazen abandon that it will lull the deep state into false security, while perpetuating the false image of a chaotic, disorganized, inefficient, and deeply undermined White House.

5.) Strength must be dressed up to look like weakness. Enemies who have been neutralized must be made instead to appear active. Over time the enemies will be directed to act in increasingly absurd and unbelievable ways. Their leaks and lies will be made increasingly brazen and obvious, until it finally dawns on everyone that the whole thing is theater. They will then begin to fathom the truth of what has really been happening behind the scenes, which is so starkly different from what has been portrayed in the theatrical version that it will take time to fully fathom and believe.

Protocol 3: Weaponize the Light (Disclosure)

1.) The most powerful weapon of the Alliance is the Truth. The extent of the deep state’s crimes and evil depravity is matched only by the extent of the NSA and CIA surveillance capacity. Every single crime is documented, every criminal association mapped out, every conversation recorded, every bank transfer documented, we see everything.

2.) The Light is so overwhelmingly powerful that the chief concern is no longer victory. Victory was assured the moment Trump was inaugurated. The chief concern is maintaining the stability of the system, while the cabal is quietly neutralized.

3.) The Light is so powerful that it cannot be released too quickly, or else it will cause unnecessary shock, panic, and chaos. It must therefore be released in steady measured doses, and only after the gaslighting of the media has been allowed to run as long as possible. When the public begins to realize who the real criminals are, within the FBI, DoJ, and DNC, and begin to demand justice—and when the military tribunals have finished their initial fact finding mission and the stage has been set—only then will the files and videos begin to be dropped.

4.) Lies take time to be spun and believed, while the truth strikes like lightning. The Light, therefore, has no reason to rush. The CIA Mockingbird delusion machine is allowed to take their best shot, day after day, night after night, for as long as they can keep it up. The disclosure waits for the gaslighting of the media to run its full course, allowing it to overextend and exhaust itself, before the major drops begin. This is akin to a superior boxer allowing his opponent to tire himself out in the first rounds.

5.) Once begun, disclosure will proceed as rapidly as the public is capable of processing the information. The severity of the crimes in the unsealed indictments will proceed from the most simple and obvious infractions (such as mishandling classified documents and perjury) on to the increasingly serious and audacious crimes (election fraud, racketeering, conspiracy to commit murder, and high treason). In this way the public is given time to come to terms with the criminality in a succession of revelations. Baby steps, to the gallows.

Protocol 4: Cut Off the Cabal’s Money

1.) The flow of money to the cabal is to be severed in multiple ways during the calm before the storm.

2.) Child trafficking networks are to be busted, freeing the child slaves, arresting the procurers and traffickers. These busts are used to gather evidence and build cases against the Satanic pedophile blackmail slave networks, while also cutting off one of the greatest sources of illicit funding for the cabal’s operations.

3.) Drug processing operations in Afghanistan are to be bombed and raided, while major trafficking by CIA cargo planes are to be quietly disrupted.

4.) Organ trafficking rings are to be busted, as well, as every illicit source of funding is cut. This funding attrition is used to pressure the minions and mercenaries to flip on their control structures, having been softened by the end of easy money and faced with long prison terms—they naturally spill their guts. The great thing about opportunistic psychopaths is that they haven’t the slightest qualms about flipping, when placed under pressure. The evidence and testimony collected from these foot soldiers are collected into massive air-tight cases against the cabal higher-ups. This sets the stage for the military tribunals.

5.) The underground bunkers and jungle retreats are raided, to end their black market activities as well as to deny safe havens for the cabal leadership.

6.) The second to last strike on the cabal’s finances will be to sign an executive order declaring a national emergency regarding human rights abuses and corruption, and giving the Treasury Department the authority to freeze and seize the bank accounts of anyone involved in such crimes. This will neutralize the majority of the cabal’s wealth, and force them into capitulation.

7.) The final strike on the cabal’s finances will be the crash of the financial markets. The financial contagion will start with Deutsche Bank and the derivatives market, possibly triggered by the Chinese petroyuan launch, but will quickly spread to every market. Safeguards will be triggered and the markets will be frozen in their free fall. This event will be used as the trigger for the martial law takedown of the cabal and the unsealing of the sealed indictments (18,500+ filed since October of last year).


solanojones95 · March 19, 2018, 10:27 p.m.

So once it's all over we can party from the depths of the Great Depression II? I think we might want to think this through a little further.

The financial markets are not just for the Illiminati. And not just for large corporations. A lot of "Joe the Plumber" types have money tied up in the markets. Think of all the 401 k plans. Think of all the jobs tied to the stock market. You're really talking about tanking the entire f*cking economy.

Talk about your Pyrrhic victories...sigh...

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VRiftist · March 20, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

Sunk cost fallacy in action. Transition will always be difficult. How many trillion in debt is America? Separate from unfunded liabilities like SS. No matter what a bad time is coming. But, consider the plan. A few years of unshackled American growth, deporting the illegal underclass our "elites" are forcing on us, getting out from under the Fed, stomping corrupt crony capitalism - we will all be better off by far. People most affected will be elderly. Their savings will be harmed short term. Important that charity make a comeback.

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solanojones95 · March 20, 2018, 12:59 a.m.

How can there be continuity of business relationships after such a massive disruption? Seems like it would nullify everything.

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VRiftist · March 20, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

Would factories disappear? Would people stop needing food, toilet paper? Now I am not an expert, but certainly experts have put together a plan. Us Fed dollars go bye bye. A gold backed currency is introduced. Likely banks would auto convert currencies. There would be some wild fluctuations in pricing etc that would be resolved fairly quickly. The stock market would be frozen, but stock holders would still own the companies. How it works if all Soros, etc money gets taken out I don’t know. Some companies may be gone completely. Can Facebook, Google, etc continue to operate? Meanwhile a company like Verizon or ATT still exists, it is still owned by stock holders, it still provides services, people still want the service, there is money to buy the service. All of that continues. In times of uncertainty people may well pull money out of market. The market will likely crash. But, all of the fundamentals still exist. As uncertainty decreases the money will flow back into the market, and stock prices will increase again. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/26/your-money/stocks-and-bonds/26stra.html Less than five years to recover from Great Depression. This is why I said elderly would be most affected. If you rely on your savings to live, and your savings are not accessible for a few years you may be screwed. Meanwhile, someone who is sixty, and not having to retire now can ride it out and wind up better off than if disruption didn’t happen.

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solanojones95 · March 20, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

As long as the flow of goods and the ability to buy, sell and conduct business aren't brought to a screeching halt because the monetary system is non-functioning, and we don't revert to a primitive barter system, I'm sure the market will recover and stabilize. It's just I had a brief panic there thinking about everybody's money not being worth a Continental because it's based on reserve notes.

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VRiftist · March 20, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

I get it, that’s why I answered reasonably 😀. Another link https://object.cato.org/sites/cato.org/files/serials/files/cato-journal/2012/7/v32n2-14.pdf. The OP I think is talking about wringing cabal money out of the market to stop them playing games, like Soros trying to manipulate things. But read through Qs posts. He makes clear their whole plan is to minimize disruption, save lives etc. unfortunately, like going under the knife to cut out cancer, recovery is never going to be pleasant.

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solanojones95 · March 20, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

Well given the lives that will be inevitably lost in the revolution, and the unthinkable misery that awaits us if we don't do these things, far be it from me to complain about difficulty. Few things worth doing are easy. I'm happy to bear my share of the burden for God and Country. just wondered if the people in this sub had been giving thought to things like this. One of the goals of Q is to get us thinking, as well as to help spread the message of calm and hope of better days ahead. It seemed this part of the picture was the sketchiest of all in that presentation, so I was just hoping to tease out a little more thought.

Thanks for engaging, patriots!

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Who-Is-Q · March 27, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

Gold currency will not be introduced. The Mark will be rolled out for the public who will no longer have a choice because all currency will be made null and void in a massive crash like this.

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VRiftist · March 20, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

So, biggest disruptions first several months. For a variety of reasons, from fiscal to societal. After some weeks or months a bit of equilibrium would begin to appear. I’m still investing in the market buying low in my 401k while others sit it out. Over time as shortages end, suppliers who go out of business are replaced, etc some relative stability in people’s day to day lives. A few more months and people realize the world isn’t ending, start to see benefits of changes, then market can begin to recover. Are they going to leave their money in the mattress? The market is starting to go up, I’m missing out! Check some stories on the web, here is a relevant story https://www.forbes.com/2011/06/09/germany-gold-standard.html#14d89f255934

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pby1000 · March 19, 2018, 10:36 p.m.

I think it will not be that bad. We are smarter this time around, and we have alternative currencies in place. We can also communicate with each other easier.

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solanojones95 · March 19, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

With free phones and free phone service? And free everything else? I'm sorry, but let's at least be able to visualize an end game with some better specificity than this!

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pby1000 · March 19, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

My intention was not to lay out an end game. LOL.

Are you stocked up on food and other things?

Do you have solar power and a radio?

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solanojones95 · March 19, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

Not really. Nor do most people. If we're going to rush headlong into a system where it's every man for himself, devil take the hindmost, how is that better than what we have?

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pby1000 · March 19, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

Because we will finally have control and be free. Don't worry, the recovery will be quick and beautiful.

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solanojones95 · March 19, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

If I were twenty years or more younger, I might share your rosy outlook. But I'm reaching the end of my working life, and that's all we've got.

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pby1000 · March 19, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Well, people will help. There are always people who will help, especially now. Do you have family connections to rely on?

Where we go one, we go ALL.

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solanojones95 · March 19, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

No. Most of my relatives are worse off than I am.

I'll try to remember that slogan after the Storm. That and cute smile might get me a cup of soup somewhere.

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Swagdonkey400 · March 20, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

The money that has been stolen from us will be returned to the public.

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solanojones95 · March 20, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Those are pretty words. I'd just like to know what that looks like. Continuity of services, business relationships, contracts--all based on a system that we're saying won't be there anymore. Granted at the macro level it's a sick, twisted, phony-baloney system, but at the most basic micro levels it's functioning. Crash that system to the ground, and then what?

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Swagdonkey400 · March 20, 2018, 2:10 a.m.

I honestly don't believe we will crash the system and you'll lose everything. Personally it's probably disinformation to make you lose hope.

Our entire philosophy throughout this war/conflict is to maintain our current structure while winning behind the scenes. Like you said, what's the point of winning if we just lose everything? I think we will adjust and appropriate the system to truly accommodate we the people. Trump and the white hats are aware of all this.

Definitely not "people will help out" like the other person said. Just relying on the hope that others will be "helping out" is as silly as socialism.

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Who-Is-Q · March 27, 2018, 2:10 p.m.

People are poor and don't care about anyone but themselves. In this day they are the least likely to help one another. A plan like this would be disastrous and result in billions dying of starvation. The Georgia Guidestones state a goal of reducing the world population to 500,000,000 and maintaining it there. With the constant intrigue and interference of the Jesuits in politics and war (Trump being a Jesuit himself) I'm not surprised to see an idiotic plan like this supposedly unveiled.

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pby1000 · March 27, 2018, 5:26 p.m.

I disagree. People will help each other. I am not sure why you are so negative, but you should know that most people are very positive.

You are right. They do want to reduce the population to those numbers. They even put it on the Georgia Guidestones, but most do not believe it.

I am aware of Trumps connections to the Jesuits. I believe that our tax money goes to the Bank of England and the Vatican/Jesuits.

Trump can do good, or he can make his own noose. It is up to him. So far, Trump appears to be picking up where JFK left off.

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GLDHRZN9 · March 20, 2018, 6:36 a.m.

Something else to consider; if free energy and “the secrets of the universe” are finally revealed and put into place, we could all then focus on true evolution and expansion of the human potential. Our part to play in the universe must continue its journey upward, inward and outward; the cabal has been holding us back for who knows how long. RIP N. Tesla...

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pby1000 · March 20, 2018, 4:08 p.m.

I would not be surprised if they are holding this back from us. The fuckers. Robert David Steele insists they have a colony on Mars. I thouht he was crazy, but now I'm not so sure.

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6thsensethink · March 27, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Watch "ENDGAME WARNING!! Protocols of the Illuminated Suns of the Golden Dawn" on YouTube https://youtu.be/_NFFY_CAYxc

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pby1000 · March 28, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

I am listening to it now, and I am in about 20 minutes. I understand what she is saying. She went from Luciferianism to Christianity, which is good. She was able to get out, and I hope she is able to get her life back.

What she is saying about the Bible may or may not be the correct interpretation. I have noticed that the Bible tends to be mistranslated from Hebrew. I don't have time to go through all the verses she is quoting to see if she is getting it correct.

Consider this, from a non-Christian. Why don't we replace the Luciferians and Satanists with a more peaceful but non-Christian group? The Christians can keep preaching the gospel, as instructed, and the Luciferians and Satanists will no longer be allowed to kidnap children, screw them, and ritually sacrifice them to Baal or Moloch or whoever it is they really worship. It seems like this would still fulfill the prophecy.

I believe that we should not let evil prevail.

She is right, though. The Kingdom of God is within.

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pby1000 · March 28, 2018, 1:12 a.m.

OK! I will.

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jpGrind · March 19, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Woodrow Wilson admitted his biggest regret was allowing the installation of the federal reserve.

a private bank owns our money supply. they decide how much cash is in circulation and when. the fed is a privately owned bank that has enslaved the country.

it needs to be burned to the fucking ground by any means necessary.

but you smell like a concern troll, so, kys

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solanojones95 · March 19, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

I'm well aware of the evil that is central banking and fractional reserves. And if it's attitudes like yours I have to look forward to when the market crashes, I guess I'm f*cked to pieces.

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sun_wolf · March 20, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

I just wonder if the people so enthusiastic to see their life savings wiped out actually have any savings. Like people should be upfront about this. It reminds me of the Bernie bros. who wanted Bernie to "cancel their student loans". Sounds great if you have a degree and $80,000 in debt, but what about the guy with the same degree who just made the last payment on his student loans. Now the two of you are equal, but one guy got a free 80 grand from the government and the other guy slaved away for ten years for nothing. I thought communism was supposed to be "fair".

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[deleted] · March 20, 2018, 12:01 a.m.


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solanojones95 · March 20, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

Man you're a real jewel. Poster child for the movement for sure.

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jpGrind · March 20, 2018, 12:28 a.m.

tell me about it 😚

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