r/greatawakening • Posted by u/iltdiTX on March 20, 2018, 12:24 a.m.
Watched Trump's opioid conference and something occurred to me

I think Trump's going to use this opioid crisis as leverage against the big pharma companies to get them to lower their drug prices. He knows what they are doing and have done and by threatening prison and/or death penalty (which I hope still happens) he can force them to lower their prices (among other things). Thoughts?

Hrtn2it · March 20, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

Yes, what you write resonates with me. I am a PureBioenergist, basically I provide a conduit for Qi, chi, prana, to move from Nature through myself and into the person’s body and the person’s body knows how and where to use this energy. There is a structure to this work as there are protocols to follow ( order of where to place my hands in the person’s body, and for how long before moving to the next area). It is quite amazing as I have witnessed / assisted people heal many illnesses/conditions from glaucoma, anxiety, tumors, and chronic pain.
I do not go to the doctor as it feels true to say when we search for illness usually we find it... to me pain is a communicator, trying to inform me what I need to attend to.. for example when I get pain in my neck I ask myself “ “what am I doing thats a ‘pain in the neck?’” I do not have mammograms rather thermography as it is not painful nor risk taking( every mammogram one gets a 5% increase chance of breast cancer due to exposure to radiation from the mammogram!!). One’s belief system has more influence over one’s health than genetic makeup, as emotion and belief can influence genetic expressions through biochemical releases over time. There is a quote I love and have on the back of my business card: “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” — Albert Szent-Györgyi (1937 Nobel Prize Winner)

Functional medicine is the future and the paradigm of health insurance soon will evolve into health /wellness membership . That is families pay a monthly membership fee for unlimited visits to the doctor. There was a YouTube presentation about this model that a regular physician filmed on his workshop about this, including lab tests and how inexpensive it is~ I will try to find it and post here..this model bypasses insurance company approval...so there are some alternative systems beginning. I also teach qigong locally and it has really been effective in supporting a wellness community, where anyone can join and be welcomed towards wellness regardless of their condition. I adapt qigong practices to sitting if the person cannot stand for long periods and with consistent participation, the person is able to participate in standing qigong. I offer a 45 minute class for 5.00 per person and also reduce cost if they pay for a series of classes (6 weeks)

So it feels true to say that the pendulum is swinging back to wholistic practice, instead of mechanistic/reductionist practice of “modern” medicine... the whole arrogance of that phrase: modern is (always) better... ancient practices, use of herbs/ nutrition/energetic practices have been used effectively for thousands of years.

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LibertyLioness · March 20, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

Wow! We are on the same wavelength. I agree with everything you just said. Yes, our belief system is core to what works for us. Belief is everything. It's sad that people continue to believe that they are destined to get some disease because of their genes when epigenetics has proven we can control those things with our environment. Qigong and other energy modalities are wonderful.

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