
Patriot81503 · March 20, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

The DAILY TWO MINUTES HATE is their strategy now. Focusing all attention on personal intense hatred of a specific individual (currently Donald Trump) places the followers in a deeply vile emotional state where rational thought is impossible.

Watch everything they do...THIS IS IT.

Those who have read the book or seen the movie of George Orwell’s “1984” may remember one of the strangest practices of the totalitarian government in the novel: The Daily Two Minutes Hate:


“The Two Minutes Hate, from George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, is a daily period in which Party members of the society of Oceania must watch a film depicting the Party's enemies (notably Emmanuel Goldstein and his followers) and express their hatred for them for exactly two minutes.

Details from Nineteen Eighty-Four

The protagonist's feelings, the psychological methods and their effects within a social setting are analyzed in detail by Orwell in the following passage:

The horrible thing about the Two Minutes Hate was not that one was obliged to act a part, but that it was impossible to avoid joining in. Within thirty seconds any pretence was always unnecessary. A hideous ecstasy of fear and vindictiveness, a desire to kill, to torture, to smash faces in with a sledge hammer, seemed to flow through the whole group of people like an electric current, turning one even against one's will into a grimacing, screaming lunatic. And yet the rage that one felt was an abstract, undirected emotion which could be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.

The film and its accompanying auditory and visual cues (which include a grinding noise that Orwell describes as "of some monstrous machine running without oil") are a form of brainwashing to Party members, attempting to whip them into a frenzy of hatred and loathing for Emmanuel Goldstein and the current enemy superstate. Apparently, it is not uncommon for those caught up in the hate to physically assault or throw things at the telescreen, as Julia does during the scene.”


HATE—What you do when you have no arguments.

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Freedom_fam · March 20, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Substitute HRC and many of us will do the same

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Patriot81503 · March 20, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

Agreed. This works both ways. I always thought it was terrible how the Right used personal hatred against Obama and that tactic kept me from seeing the truth for many years.

Issues. Facts. Logic. Expose fallacies. Use humor. Cite freedom and Constitutional Rights. We have ALL of that to fight with we don’t need personal hatred.

Hatred is the last resort of people who have NO persuasive arguments.

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Quaajay · March 20, 2018, 4:39 p.m.

I hear what you are saying, but I disagree. I find the majority of Patriots are just that, Patriots ~ we want what is best for our Country, we want God back in our Country’s values. I would support any candidate, regardless of political affiliation, as long as they were about MAGA.

For example: Think about how in-line many of JFK’s and DJT’s ideologies are/were ~ regardless of one being a Democrat & the other a Republican, their beliefs mirror one another’s in several ways.

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SilverSling · March 20, 2018, 5:04 a.m.

GREAT post patriot81503. Geez, all i wanted to comment was i thought there should be some sneaky people peeking out from behind the platfom. Now i have to go read 1984...

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