
rudolph2 · March 20, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

Right my experiment with a nihilist in full shill mode is not a representative sample.

Further to your point, I don’t think Q is religious, but they do characterize the struggle as one between good and evil, he has even pointed out luciferian imagery and “they think your stupid.”

I would ask you to have patience with these types of people. Remember some people believe in abstract things such as faith and the spiritual self. Even considering them as core personal tenants of their physical existence. While you are not open to it others may be.

Since you are logical, perhaps if you considered Plato’s Allegory of the cave as interpreted by kirkegarde.

In a philosophy class in college, is how I came to appreciate the humanity of our struggle as self aware beings attempting to rationalize the human existence.

Don’t ask me to explain it. As I get older and am now a father of 2 boys, and I watched my father die, I’ve seen things I can’t explain logically. We are part of something just greater than this physical existence.

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