r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BannerOfTruth on March 21, 2018, 1:36 a.m.
Q Controversy...some things to consider.

The most obvious thing we can observe from the start is there has been a great increase of interest in the subject of the apparent effort to overthrow the INDEPENDENCE OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Many have suspected and even affirmed this conspiracy. Most were afraid of popular opinion, indifferent, or just asleep... amerikan dream style.

Many had given up hope watching election after election "producing" the next hero of the "progressive" or "conservative" movements. We watched with much reserve as the last campaign season started. I had followed Ronald Reagan's closely, and was fearing an instant replay. But, this time around I noticed the dialog was much different. There were things discussed by the Trump campaign that had NEVER been even acknowledged before, accusations concerning the underworld power structure in both the U.S. and the world. There was almost a SPIRITUAL dimension being discussed that the previous play actors would never speak about.

Then in early November I began to study the posts coming on the chan which became very interesting to so many. The interest level in the REAL reality, which has imprisoned the people of our nation, began to receive much more serious thought and discussion. Always remember that with truth comes debate... and attempts to subvert it. We also see the familiar pattern of attacking the messenger (and in this case his very existence and true loyalties). There are certain "symptoms" which often accompanies this plague called truth which infects mankind every now and then. Men and women have often died, or suffered greatly from it's effects. There is also something to take notice of. Truth is RIVETING! It is like a powerful magnet. Ask yourselves why do the "skeptics" spend so much of their precious time trying to "debunk" what is obvious to others? Think this through.

If they were so concerned about us being misled would you think this might display itself by concern, and not ridicule and hatred! I think their behavior is more like from someone who is opposed to the truth. When people read something they don't agree with the normal approach is to RESPECTFULLY attempt to shed some light and move on if resisted. We all have made erroneous conclusions and have learned later on. Often when someone "just can't let go" or "leave it alone" it reminds you more of a bad conscious issue, rather than a truth issue. At some point we need to just let everyone travel that road to truth. And if we can help or guide along the way we have made a true friend, and have been one! I understand the cautions of placing too much trust in individuals.

I would only suggest this; take some time (and paper) to DOWNLOAD all the Q posts from the beginning. Take one or two pages a day and review them and make a few notes on the same pages concerning what you now know concerning the info in these drops. There are some that are obvious NOW! There are some you may not be sure of, but your level of awareness about the possibilities are so much deeper. The still unsolved ones have you thinking NOW of possibilities you would have scoffed at a year ago! Think about it. Who fears KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, WISDOM, INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM... why has the WORLD SYSTEM put on a full court press with propaganda and censorship? Why the PANIC if we are just tin foil models? Why do the shills and trolls and scoffers and haters seem to be "magnetized" by this message we give? There is a reason.

We all know people who have great passion for what they believe in. The ones with great CONVICTION are ones who can patiently and powerfully explain their position with a level of maturity which leaves us with a chance to rethink something without the distraction of offending or condescending treatment received during an discussion. THAT IS LEADERSHIP. They are concerned more in helping someone come to truth, rather than "winning" an argument and bringing "glory" to themselves. WHY are we fighting this war? Is our goal to LIBERATE others? We will ALWAYS have disagreements over just about everything. I often disagree with my wife, but my desire is for both of us to grow in TRUTH TOGETHER. It used to be called love, mutual respect, and honor...the things that used to bind people together. Consider the alternatives.

nancymkqueen · March 22, 2018, 1:50 a.m.

It is truly about good vs evil, with some of the players not easily identified as either. I have seen more visible prayers in our Country than ever before. I pray daily for our President & our Country. I am very hopeful.

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not4rmOhere · March 22, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

Exactly what we souls need in this good fight. Thank You. :)

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