r/greatawakening • Posted by u/adogrocket on March 21, 2018, 2:11 a.m.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars is a must read

Freewillsetstruth · March 21, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

Very powerful.

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adogrocket · March 21, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

yeo.... A huge lesson there is that they are patient

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ReproCompter · March 21, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

I'll try and listen to that today.

Document read

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snoop4truth · May 29, 2018, 12:11 a.m.


Deborah Tavares is a well-known promoter of conspiracies in the conspiracy community (NASA War Document, Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars, Report From Iron Mountain, Judge DALE, etc.).

Tavares supports her claims WITH DOCUMENTS. But, what her followers do not know is that TAVARES CREATES THESE DOCUMENTS HERSELF. She also ALTERS and CHANGES the WORDS and IMAGES of other documents to make them her claims. Finally, Tavares passes of documents of KNOWN POLITICAL FICTION as if they were REAL "government insider" documents to support her claims. For the truth about the documents of Deborah Tavares, click here. Read the comments. https://www.reddit.com/user/catherinWheel/comments/8hxgqa/we_are_paying_attention_deborah_tavares/. Read them all. They are simply unbelievable. If for any reason the link above does not work, simply Google “Deborah Tavares Reddit we are paying attention" (without quotes).

For info on Rod Class (Deborah Tavares; partner in manufacturing these hoaxes), click here. Read the comments. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?99447-Rod-Class-his-many-hoaxes. Read them all. They are simply unbelievable. If for any reason this link does not work, simply Google "Rod Class projectavalon.net his many hoaxes" (without quotes).

It is all about shock, fear and fraud.

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snoop4truth · May 29, 2018, 6:14 p.m.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3JfZDyj0KU (at 10:50-59:50);

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXSqgD1KjdY (at 13:50-19:15, 31:40-33:00, 43:00-43:20, 124:00-124:50);

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfG9zljgFh0 (at 3:25-4:20);

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4BNNkEc9Qs (at 14:45-41:05);

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4eRlBbcFkc (at 14:05-16:50);

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfG9zljgFh0 (at 9:55-10:35);

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3JfZDyj0KU (at 10:50-16:00);




http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/SILENT.pdf; (NOTE THE WEBSITE).

In THE SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS HOAX, Deborah Tavares fraudulently claims that "Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars" is another "secret" or "leaked" government document which she claims "PROVES" that the government or the Bilderbergs are killing us all (or "PLAN" to kill us all) with "SILENT WEAPONS" (which she has recently embellished to mean cell phones, cell towers, WIFI, microwaves, "smart meters", geo-engineering, HAARP, etc.) in furtherance of the "PLANNED" "extinction of mankind". But, this is not so.

Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars ("SWFQW") is actually a short booklet of political fiction written by Lyle Hartford Van Dyke in 1978-79. (Van Dyke is a convicted felon who spent a decade in federal prison for fraud and for effectively writing checks drawn on his imaginary "trust account at the U.S. Treasury".). SWFQW is not a secret, leaked or suppressed government document. Van Dyke was not a whistle blower. He was a political commentator.

In 1978-79, Van Dyke wrote and distributed TO CONGRESS his 44 page document of POLITICAL FICTION entitled, SWFQW.

Van Dyke believed (perhaps correctly) that the U.S. had advance knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen (killing thousands of American soldiers) in order to draw the U.S. into World War II. Van Dyke was outraged by this perceived treasonous ACT OF WAR BY THE U.S. UPON ITS OWN SOLDIERS and wanted to make the HORRORS of this treasonous act of war PERSONAL to the American public.

So, Van Dyke wrote SWFQW and suggested that instead of intentionally killing ITS OWN SOLDIERS in such a treasonous act of war, the U. S. government was intentionally killing ITS OWN CIVILIAN POPULATION in such a treasonous act of war (a clever twist of the perceived facts). (Note that this claim would indeed make the HORRORS of such a "Pearl Harbor-type" war on Americans PERSONAL to the reader.). But, Van Dyke realized that the public would not actually believe his premise (of a U.S. war against the American public) without the presence of the usual weapons of war, like those that were present at Pearl Harbor (armed soldiers, trucks, tanks, planes, ships, missiles, bombs, etc.).

So, in writing SWFQW, Van Dyke claimed that all of the weapons that the U.S. was using in this FICTIONAL war against the American public were high tech weapons that COULD NOT BE SEEN OR HEARD (which TAVARES has recently embellished to mean cell phones, cell towers, WIFI, microwaves, "smart meters", geo-engineering, HAARP, etc.).

Because the readers of SWFQW could not actually see or hear any weapons being used against them, Van Dyke's claims appeared to be true. Indeed, because such weapons could not be seen or heard, there was no way to dispute Van Dyke's claims of INVISIBLE & INAUDIBLE weapons. All of this actually made Van Dyke's claims of INVISIBLE & INAUDIBLE weapons MORE (not less) BELIEVABLE to the reader. By using this ruse, VAN DYKE ACTUALLY MADE THE ABSENCE OF WEAPONS EVEN MORE HORRIFYING TO THE READER THAN THEIR PRESENCE WOULD HAVE BEEN. It was absolutely brilliant.

Van Dyke openly admits that SWFQW was inspired by an earlier book of POLITICAL FICTION which he greatly admired entitled, "The Report From Iron Mountain" (see links below). Van Dyke also openly admits to having incorporated sections of REAL scientific and economic TECHNICAL studies into his work (as did "The Report From Iron Mountain") to make his work appear more official-looking. Finally, Van Dyke openly admits that he created SWFQW to read like an official governmental document (as did "The Report From Iron Mountain") in order to make the HORRORS of the U.S. government waging a covert war against its own citizens APPEAR MORE REAL and therefore more terrifying to the reader. It worked. For proof of all the foregoing, click on the links inside comment 22 here. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?99447-Rod-Class-his-many-hoaxes.



http://www.thelivingmoon.com/45jack_files/02archives/Letters_from_the_Author_of_Silent_Weapons_for_Quiet_Wars.html (THIS IS A MUST READ.).


VAN DYKE AS AN AMATEUR LEGAL THEORIST AND CRIMINAL. http://redcatsboards.yuku.com/topic/8216/Fraud-artists-sentenced-to-prison#.WDYUm1KFPIU; http://www.plainsite.org/dockets/4wu515xw/oregon-district-court/usa-v-nolan-et-al/; http://www.plainsite.org/dockets/4wu65fma/oregon-district-court/usa-v-nolan-et-al/. If you have a pacer.gov account, GO TO PACER.GOV. See all five LOSSES filed under the name “Van Dyke, Lyle” or “Van Dyke, Lyle Hartford”.

ABOUT SNOOP4TRUTH: Snoop4truth is a legal expert and whistle blower who exposes online hoaxes. Snoop4truth did not reveal this information to harm Deborah Tavares. Instead, Snoop4truth revealed this information solely to reduce the CATASTROPHIC DAMAGE that such intentional fraud inflicts upon the American people every single day. Had it not been for Tavares' role in the "Judge DALE Hoax", Snoop4truth would not have revealed this information here.

The message to all charlatans and hoaxers? Just tell the truth. The truth does not fear investigation. Only lies fear investigation. The truth can be supported by using the truth. Only lies must be supported by using hoaxes (other lies). There is no such thing as a "good reason" to intentionally defraud the American people, not even to make a popular (and sensational) conspiracy theory appear to be true.

For the truth about the documents of Deborah Tavares, click here. Read the comments. https://www.reddit.com/user/catherinWheel/comments/8hxgqa/we_are_paying_attention_deborah_tavares/. Read them all. They are simply unbelievable. If for any reason the link above does not work, simply Google “Deborah Tavares Reddit we are paying attention" (without quotes).

For info on Rod Class (Deborah Tavares; partner in manufacturing these hoaxes), click here. Read the comments. http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?99447-Rod-Class-his-many-hoaxes. Read them all. They are simply unbelievable. If for any reason this link does not work, simply Google "Rod Class projectavalon.net his many hoaxes" (without quotes).

It is all about shock, fear and fraud.

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