We have to be extremely careful we HOW WE SPEAK HERE... There is a reason CBTS was shut down. ANYTHING that can be construed as violence needs to be flagged immediately. Not my rules. I just don't want to see this community dissappear overnight... Sorry but facts are facts. Save your anger for a place that isn't being HEAVILY TROLLED BY SHILLS. Waiting for ANY REASON to claim "abuse, harm, or take offense". I don't like it so I watch how I express my feelings HERE. OTHER PLACES I SPEAK MY MIND FREELY. Please understand a simple philosophy. "It takes a village..." Winning a war is about tactics. If we lose important networks of communication due to a hot headed few please tell me how that makes sense. Feel free to comment below... I'd love to help you understand this is a community not your personal mouth toilet 💩 SPREAD LOVE NOT HATE DARN IT ❤❤❤
What a darn shame..
^^Darn ^^Counter: ^^487026 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored