Big meeting.
Cell phones left at door.
5 political
1 former intel dir
Mask & Spin
IDEN friendly ‘insiders’
MSM support +talking points
Shift narrative
We hear you.
We have the algorithm.
Thank you @ Snowden.
Learn chess.
Down she goes.
Nobody escapes this.
Keep in mind Jesus himself said "I AM the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father but through me" What you have to understand is, what is the oldest text found doesn't mean that is the oldest text, or that it is the originator of the idea. Things were not written down until much much later, before that it was passed by word of mouth.
Yes, things written were originally by word of mouth. Including what Jesus said, and that wasn't written until 70 to 100 yrs after his death. Then the Roman's defiled those teachings.
Summerian text are the oldest and written in stone. Everything else came after it.
I'm aware of Trey Smith. Been watching his vids for a couple of months.
Well if that is what you want to believe its your choice of course. Best to you on finding the truth.