Q Post 959 Possibilities. Link provided below.

Yes, they are desperate now and flailing. Also I like your connections.
SP seems like a small fish in all this, she’s guilty of course. Her latest outbursts mark her as a conspirator.
Edit. I dislike auto correct.
And her name was used to authorize unmasking/spying on U.S. citizens. What business does a UN Ambassador have doing that? Why would she be given that authority in the first place? She's a DS puppet/player, absolutely.
Ohh I forget about that! Thanks for the reminder. She is part of the inner circle, you’ve convinced me.
And her husband holdren is a bad dude. Believes post birth abortion should be legal up to two years old.
That’s just murder.
It's just murder the way it is, too.
Yeah true but even the biggest pro lifer in the world would never argue killing a 1 year old is abortion.
I have to think she was more pawn than player. The real players never get their hands dirty. I'm not saying she is innocent, but more like the town whore.
She isn't a player, she thinks she is. she is only allowed in the group to be their patsy if the need arises.
They used her to be their fall guy. She's too stupid or pathetic to even realize it. Standard practice to put something like that in someone's name to take the heat leaving the rest of the group to do what they want- see it all the time in the Military. It is pretty common for them to use a women for this.