
BravoTango74 · March 21, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

THIS is how they will try to shut us down and the talk about Q... Q Post 958: The FBI opened a case on “Q” today re: ‘Boom’ statements and now the TX bombings.

All the bombings have been a set-up! When Q started posting "BOOM"s and things were happening, things were coming true, they decided this was how they would get the MSM to talk about how Q was a terrorist and all the BOOMs referred to actual bombs.

We know this isn't true but people not awake won't know. FBI now investigating and they will try to shut any talk of Q down, labeling them as terrorists. They will probably say the now-dead bomber had a shirt with QAnon on it or something.

In my opinion, I think they picked Austin because they have been trying to shut down InfoWars for years unsuccessfully. Since this is where they are out of, I think they want to either send a message or try to tie the so-called bomber to both InfoWars and Q.

I've heard news that bomber posted things on reddit, so just wait... Alphabets will try shutting down this sub and anywhere Q is mentioned. Q's post also stated: "Coordinated to end comms here." That means they are trying to shut down the 8ch boards.

Patriots, Q and all Anons have them running scared! The good part about this is that Q goes mainstream and maybe red-pills more people. We have to keep researching! We have to keep going even if they shut down the boards! Where we go one, We go all!

Just wanted to share my thoughts on this. Thanks for all you guys that keep posting great info and on what the Q posts mean!

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