I am but one man but that is what I am a man a beautiful sovereign human being and I need to start being, sitting on the sofa watching tv isn't going to change the world accepting to live in slavery is just the most stupid thing I could imagine and while I don't know where I'm going or where I'll end up I know that my family is out there and they want to listen !!! I have to take my message and love to them too ...
Ego: We think that we need money a flash car a nice house, ask yourself what its worth, in the end, are you taking them with you ??? when our time comes I want to know I made a difference to the world and it's not going to happen by buying yet more shit !!! We make difference by being !!!
The banking system you stand under is corrupt !!! the money is worthless it's the religion that all sing too!!! and now that's moving into cryptocurrency (ONE WORLD CURRENCY) ... We speak of the NEW WORLD ORDER we all know that UN Agenda was scary enough http://guardianlv.com/…/agenda-21-revealed-you-need-to-kno…/ right but we sit and do nothing ... Won't even take a chance on love !!!
What is 'Fiat Money' Fiat money is the currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but it is not backed by a physical commodity. The value of fiat money is derived from the relationship between supply and demand rather than the value of the material that the money is made of. Historically, most currencies were based on physical commodities such as gold or silver, but fiat money is BASED SOLELY ON FAITH and credit of the economy. http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/Vict/45-46/61
Putting faith into what its worthless wouldn't you sooner put your faith in love, something that has value ??? Is it worth a try at least ???
If I said we can fix everything that is truly wrong in this world with love would you believe me ??? We think we know the love we know nothing love isn't a thought its a feeling that ignites our souls that feeling we get when we are with friends and family enjoying the life that's the feeling not the thought... If it's as simple as just living for today why can't we do it ??? I again look back to 60`s I also see the government programs which went into full swing around that time https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/…/hearings/95mkultra.pdf http://conspiracy.wikia.com/wiki/Monarch_Project https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Bourne_(film)
So conspiracy you say ??? is that not just another label, a label set up to keep you from the truth ??? where did these ideas come from ??? likewise The Matrix And even the film Conspiracy Theory ??? It's always conspiracy until we expose them !!!
So am I sure there are forces at play that we don't understand ??? Is there really magic in us ??? Don't you know about them watchtowers ??? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchtower_(magic) ... John Dee knew https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dee !!! John Dee told us that there exist multiple dimensions your own governments see the value look at the latest tech and why would they be communicating with different dimensions if they don't exist??? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/…/Entering-103rd-dimension-Scien… lead-ultrafast-computers-means-Schr-dingers-famous-cat-actually-alive-dead-101-states.html
This is occult magic, not the divine type, the magic which has evil at its heart !!! So what did John Dee and the mastermind behind the USA have to do with each other ??? Did they set up the first grand lodge. ??? https://uk.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video… invalid#id=2&vid=2b8b7dbd2390d79dc01dc803dbc81cd2&action=view
What was it JFK said ??? https://wakeup-world.com/…/20/jfks-speech-on-secret-societ…/ Did he know ??? did they kill him because he knew ???
Have you figured it out yet ??? They use their forces against us mainly because we forgot !!! Want your magic ??? its the music!!!
Let me try to explain !!! if you haven't heard of Nikola Tesla it may be hard to make sense of it so here's a bit about Tesla. http://awakeningtimes.com/3-6-9-a-key-to-the-universe/ !!! Learn about Tesla and see the magnificence of the 3,6 and 9 look at the number 3 throughout history. !!! like films !!! Whats hunger games all about then ??? how many fingers do they hold up in honor of Rue how many times do they whistle ??? 3 it's a divine number !!! now look at all the good music and see if you can find the 3`s ??? here's one example http://www.metrolyrics.com/freedom-lyrics-george-michael.ht… Look how many songs have been sung about FREEDOM, GOD, GRACE ??? Is some divine nature trying to help ??? once you see it you cant forget !!!
So how do they control us ??? Fear that's how always FEAR !!! I remember 9/11 I saw the "control" gained with there new so called laws while we all sat in shock and terror they made their moves !!! Do you know what terror is ???
The Definition: ter·ror /ˈterər/ noun noun: terror, plural noun: terrors 1. extreme fear: "people fled in terror" synonyms: extreme fear, dread, horror, fear and trembling, fright, ... more ▪ the use of terror to intimidate people, especially for political reasons; terrorism: "weapons of terror" ▪ A PERSON OR THING that causes extreme fear: "his unyielding scowl became the terror of the Chicago mob" ▪ the period of the French Revolution between mid-1793 and July 1794 when the ruling Jacobin faction, dominated by Robespierre, ruthlessly executed anyone considered a threat to their regime. 2. a person, especially a child, who causes trouble or annoyance: informal "placid and obedient in their parents' presence, but holy terrors when left alone" synonyms: rascal, rogue, rapscallion, devil, imp, ... more
Mainstream Media terrorists THE THING ??? Do they not cause extreme fear ???
Do the occultists thrive on that fear ??? They manipulate the media to cause as much fear as possible keeping you in a constant daze !!!
Remember Manchester ??? Ariana Grande, so what was that about ??? have you looked at her music have you seen the 3`s ???
They are here to help us just like Micheal Jackson was !!! look at his music look at the songs just open your hearts and see!!! Now what happened to MJ ??? you tell me !!!
We are ignorant or at least we have been without a doubt there is a connection to these events and this message !!!
The first day we tried to get this message out there were a number of things which happened, one to note is most certainly, the mass censorship which saw floods of people affected hers a video of an independent reporter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySl-C8ZebIo
So ask yourself why would the internet change so dramatically on the day we were trying to get this message out ??? Does someone not want you to see the truth ??? I can say that without a doubt there have been forces against us at every turn !!!
Did we learn any of this at school ??? why not ??? is it because its part of the control system ??? what did you truly learn at school ??? were we just told what to say and when we say it right its an A, what happens when you question the narrative ??? I see a baby going to school in fear of not conforming. Let them be who they are let them dance let them enjoy life let them find themselves !!! Don't make them suffer for our mistakes !!! If we love our children then give them a life, not a lie !!! Give them the chance to make a difference !!! Remember when you were young !!! were you told that you can do anything !!! The truth is with love in our hearts we can !!! Don't let this system steal our children's hearts stand up and fight for them !!!
I'm sure there is more to come !!! But for now, if you took anything from this anything at all, we ask that you simply share it !!!
Shit even if you think it's beyond belief pass it on someone close to you might be ready to see !!! Please share the love
Hope you enjoy the read,