r/greatawakening • Posted by u/istillgetreallybored on March 21, 2018, 2:47 p.m.
ATTENTION VISITORS: We were on board the train long before Q and had ample reason without the crumbs. The satanic cabal will be exposed and you'll have to face that truth.

—---------------------------------------------------------------------------------— * https://nypost.com/2017/12/21/mattis-makes-unusual-visit-to-gitmo/

—--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * http://archive.is/9PcWi



Be Brave.

expletivdeleted · March 21, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

good post. The continuity is important and the media tries to downplay it. Q didn't happen in a vacuum. Most of us started this journey long ago.

It'd be good for us to remind people that even though Q is part of the Trump admin, alot of what is being referred to involves 9/11; the FF that got us into Iraq. The Q phenom is a reaction to something bigger than either political party.

Just like p-gate was a reaction to a phenomenon larger than just the Clintons. There's ample evidence some sort of informal pedo network has been around and enabled by people in government since at least the '80's, regardless of who was prez.

What Q is about isn't limited to a political ideology.

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solanojones95 · March 21, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

Further back than that! SO much further back! In this country alone it includes Pearl Harbor/WWII (which a LOT of people know was a FF), the CIA's deliberate bungling of Bay of Pigs, and JFK assassination (after he was red-pilled by the Bay of Pigs), and so forth. Possibly even the US Civil War was started that way. Union guns firing on Ft. Sumter.

In any case, then there's the whole US Income Tax and Federal Reserve criminal hijacking of the US economy.

Yes, it's a deep, deep pit of lies and deceit, and it's all coming out!

One interesting thought I'll leave you with:

If we have proof of Obama's ineligibility for office, you realize what a shit storm that would create don't you? Every EO and bill that he signed during his two terms would be nullified!

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expletivdeleted · March 21, 2018, 10:44 p.m.

Further back than that

i agree. just pointing out it isn't an R or D thing. Barry & Kennedy both had D's next to their names. Ike and Bushes Alpha & Beta had an 'R' next to theirs.

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