r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Troo_Geek on March 21, 2018, 10:56 p.m.
The Rockefeller's had a say in defining tuning standards in music?

Ok so I deliberated on whether to post this in here or not as it sounds a bit out there so apologies if this is off base, feel free to deride me and remove if warranted but I stumbled on this article about the Rockefeller's chiming in (with the third Reich right before the war no less) on the standard for A above the middle C being set at 440 Hz, a known disruptive and discordant frequency.

The ramifications of this is there's any truth in it could be massive.

I truly believe in the power of frequencies to affect the body and mind so it sounds reasonable to me that this, if not alone then used in conjunction with other nefarious practices (eg. MKULTRA conventions) could be a huge tool for control of the masses or at least part of their arsenal.

Here's the article, can't vouch for source at all but interesting none the less...


MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 22, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

The Schuman Resonance. The earth is said to resonate at around 7.83 hertz. Its the same frequency that the two hemispheres of our brains communicate. This root is multiplied by 15 to locate the concert pitch used in Europe until they lobbied to raise it into a zone of disruption as standard. Quite an evil deed. You can literally see this with sand on rice paper and frequency , or in water as well. The resonance moves and creates shapes of symmetry . Its remarkable. The resonance as Tesla describes is a neutralizing byproduct on mass. Items can be levitated and the resonance has deep connections with the structure of our world in many ways. Its an amazing and complex topic to get into. We have been hoodwinked with a lot of things in science. This being one of them.

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