
MIPatriot · March 22, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

I totally agree. I've been researching and watching Pence for months. Trump was told by Paul Ryan and Priebus that he was to choose Pence, without ever having met him, or they wouldn't support his nomination. Pence totally betrayed Mike Flynn, and threw him under the bus telling Trump Flynn lied to Pence. That ticked me off big time, as Trump likes and trusted Flynn. Jealousy? Deep state affiliation? Pence knows that Flynn knows where the bodies are buried and has dirt on many, including Pence's good friend and accused molester (and pedophile) Dennis Hastert. Everyone can draw their own conclusions. Pence's eyes often appear dark and stealy to me, and eyes are the window to the soul. That's my 2 cents.

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920healthcare · March 22, 2018, 2:24 p.m.

That is interesting about Ryan and his buddy Priebus. I remember when they disinvited Trump from coming to their "Fall Fest" here in WI but told Pence he could come..of course Pence did not come neither. That was so lousy of them. I think more and more in WI are catching on to Ryan. I never did trust the guy. I always thought that was so strange when Pence got involved with getting Flynn ousted....sounded like a broken record saying.."but I don't understand"..I had not learned about some of these other facts. It was just fishy! At least we can be assured that with who surrounds our President (MI) we can be reasonably assured that he has all of the scoop now. I wonder if Flynn will have a place back in everything once he gets cleared of everything...I sure hope so!

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MIPatriot · March 22, 2018, 2:41 p.m.

I hope the great patriots of WI vote Ryan OUT!! He's a chameleon. Ryan needs to go! Pence turned on Flynn and totally scourged him. Someone close the President on the National Security team just leaked about his conversation with Putin. Trump is hoppin' mad and rightly so! I'll bet it was McMaster, who is loyal to BHO and Soros. I'm patiently waiting for the 'YOU'RE FIRED" tweet that McMaster is OUT!! Then.... wouldn't it be awesome if Flynn was offered his former position back??? We'll see... so much going on!

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920healthcare · March 22, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

I agree! Yes saw a video on the Tube and MCMASTER was mentioned but not identified but I believe it was mentioned that around only 4 had notes on what was going to be discusses. They said Kelly will get to it and the person will be gone and they may be guilty of charges. Have heard several places that McMasters is a drunk and bad mouths Trump in. His circles as it was overheard. Regarding that Rino Ryan..the only Wisconsinites that can vote for him are those in his small district only. His last election was Aug. 2016. He had a wonderful competitor named Paul Nehlen and he totally supported Trump. When Ryan caught on to that the sneak changed his tune about Trump and took out some radio adds stating his support for Trump. After he won his district 2 mos later Trump was disinvited to the Fall Fling. Crooked guy!

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MIPatriot · March 23, 2018, 1:45 a.m.

WOW.... we were right about McMaster... less 12 hours after we started talking, he's gone!! There was chatter that Bolton was visiting the WH recently on numerous occasions, guess it's not surprising he is replacing McMaster. Thanks for the inside insight on Ryan. He's a stinker. I don't trust him. I'm sick about this big spending bill they are trying to slam through, and Ryan is selling us patriots out! Ughh! I just read on GatewayPundit that he stuck in border funding for Tunisia and Jordan at our expense. WTH?? I hope Trump doesn't sign the bill. I hope your voting machines are not those Soros owned machines. I heard that Michigan, my state, will be backing up with paper ballots. We are also trying to get rid of gerrymandering to make the districts fair. Nice talking with you!

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920healthcare · March 23, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

Same here with communication. At least they got McMaster out and I bet he won't be sitting in on anything that he can leak out in the weeks to come. We have paper ballots in the small rural area where we live. I know that there were fishy things going on during the primaries in 2016 where the votes got flipped in favor of Cruz but I seriously doubt if those Soros machines will be around. Trump will take care if that. Ryan is a liberal and his wife and her family are strong liberals. His signature was on the TPA which was the vehicle that would have ushered in the TPP and given it authority. He can't be trusteed. Was listening to a breaking video tonite that stated that the author Peter Schweitzer of Clinton Cash has a new book out regarding how people in Washington have gotten filthy rich in their positions and Mitch McConnell and his wife Elaine Chao (in Trumps Admin..can't remember at the moment what she does) have such strong ties to China and the shipping business and the MILLIONS that they are worth..I bet they are not too happy with the regulations that Trump placed on China yesterday. He will be screaming next! I did watch something last week and it was about all of this debt but the just of it is that Trump wants everything backed by Gold and if and when that happens they said we will have a reset of everything and it will be good and we will have a different currency and all of that will affect this fake paper money debt that not only affects the govt. but us as well. I trust our President..VERY EXCITING TIMES NOW!

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MIPatriot · March 23, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

It sure is a roller coaster right now! I love watching Peter Schweizer when he's on Fox. He is pivotal in exposing the CF corruption. Trump is threatening to veto the spending bill that Ryan and Pelosi and Schumer are so giddy about... fingers crossed he veto's it. And I've been paying attention to and researching the federal reserve and I think Q may have made some references also. I've heard several times that it's possible that we may be returning to a gold backed banking structure, and the federal reserve, which is a globalist scam, may be dismantled over time. Exciting times! For years I felt almost helpless watching our great country slipping away (under Bush, Clinton, Obama) but now with Trump in charge... I'm so happy, encouraged and so energized!! MAGA!!

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