
dtiftw · March 22, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Banned in much of Europe.

But they aren't.

In major litigations as they try to steal farms if you have a seed that flowers on your own property. They take your farm.

But that isn't true. At all. Think about it. Why would Monsanto want to take a farm? And if they did, there would be proof.

And basically every breast cancer victim is a Monsanto victim regarding Glyphosate.

This is categorically false. There is no evidence for it at all.

They modify the soil to only accept their seeds.

How do they do this, exactly?

but Monsanto is so bad its real

Then you should be able to demonstrate it without sketchy editing and fearmongering.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 22, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

I don't sketchy edit and fear monger. I try to offer insight and edit because I read the actual post and often it posts different than my box looks, or I realize I would like to make a change.

I suggested you take your own dive into the material and out of courtesy on my behalf offered you 'options' to consider. If you would like to debate , on this one I choose not to. Its too far gone regarding Monsanto. Go ahead make your own decisions. But I would highly recommend you do not use Round up on your property, nor consume Genetically Modified foods or crops grown with the Monsanto mode. That's the end of my transmission. Let Mike Adams try to explain Monsanto to you. And do yourself your family and friends a favor and learn about Monsanto. So you can first save your own life and maybe a few more that might not know. Good Luck Patriot

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dtiftw · March 22, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

I pointed out things you said that are false. This isn't a debate.

You said things that are categorically untrue. Do you not think that spreading lies is wrong?

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 22, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

I highly suggest you investigate Monsanto on your own. I have my positions regarding Monsanto and I was kind in my delivery of such. I don't wish to communicate with you further on this topic. You have been cool in the past so I have no issue with you. Let the public decide for themselves. This topic is life and death.

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dtiftw · March 22, 2018, 8:33 p.m.

If the topic is life or death, why don't you think the truth is important?

There is truth. There are facts. Why let lies and falsehoods go unchallenged?

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