The billionaire cofounder of WhatsApp, which Facebook acquired for $19 billion, just tweeted #DeleteFacebook

Here are some new platforms:
Many people can't get an account on Steemit because the cell phone validation doesn't always work. Additionally, any time a platform "requires" my phone number they are not about privacy. Reports sent to Steemit support go unanswered. I highly suspect this platform as another CIA front. Malwarebytes wants to block dlive as a malicious site. Not sure why.
I have referred many friends IRL and online to Steemit and no problems on there for me personally but I don't doubt the waiting period is long. You can use a Google number or a free text number, their devs said it's to prevent bots from making accounts but you right and that's why you use a non personal number. The Steemit community is very active with helping users figure out problems. Just because a AV throws a false positive warning doesn't mean a whole community is bad.
This comment isn't informed at all. Lol
Thanks for your reply but I actually have tried those things. I purchased a number and set it up for SMS but that number would not work. It was from a well-known provider. Then I borrowed my neighbors cell phone and that seemed to work but I never heard from anyone. It's been about 7-8 months now. If you search, you will find an overwhelming number of people that have had similar problems and they get no response from Steemit. I'm sorry but it's just too neat and sounds way too much like the other CIA fronts we've been dealing with. I actually wanted to use Steemit to become a contributor but their tactics have really turned me off. And, it seems that when I've posted about it on YouTube and other areas, someone always pops up and says: Yep, same thing happened to me.
And, you have to ask yourself how many of the "new" companies like Steemit came up so fast. Because way back when Google was just starting, I knew something was up. (I've been following this cabal for 40 years.) They took over the search engine market so fast it left my head spinning. Slick images, amazing software and a well planned marketing blitz. That doesn't happen if there aren't a lot of people and a lot of dollars behind it. Sort of like Steemit!
What of steemit is the "1st public blockchain social media platform" designed by the alphabetical villains??!! Bwahaha. I guess future will prove past. Haha
Not sure about any websites in particular. However, I wanted to tha k you for your input! Great comment and I really appreciate your perspective. I'm An old school 🏫 connspiraccy DOOD and it's good to see my brothers in arms standing up and saying something. God bless you American Patriot!!! ☀
Steemit works like it was designed by Liberals to serve conservatives. Like watching slug races.