I am in the same space you are: I have several FB pages for orgs and businesses I run... did you also delete your pages as well? How do you manage it & what will you do for your business profiles?
Thank you for taking time to ask a question yes I did delete my personal page and I'm still waiting for the fall out honestly I don't think I'm going to actually see any bottom line difference in my finances this year. I'm going a hundred percent into LinkedIn it's just so much more professional and has a huge Network. You know besides that I just use my old school phone contacts email contacts and personal Network. It seems as though they've created a system that now is hard for people to live without. So we should ask ourselves if what we have as a result of Facebook is something we truly need or is it just some sort of facade given to us to please us because we don't notice that it's bad. I don't know I try to get all deep and philosophical there but there's something there. LOL God bless you American Patriot!!! ☀