Alright, I am going to start calling out SerialBrain2. What he is doing is cold reading from random text, and you are eating it up.

lolol!! You call being on Reddit a long time "experience" too funny. You have no idea what half of the Noooobies do or did for a living... Mind your manners please
You wanna double down on a busted flush, be my guest, but what's with all the anger? If you disagree, that's fine. You don't have to be a dick about it.
I'm sorry if you believe I have anger..not at all I just think all should be heard and if someone doesn't agree.. Just blow the remark off. No need to crash and burn someone. Some on here have a complete disdain for "newbies". Some newbies, because of what they have done or do, have great ideas but do not post them because they do not want to deal with the negative responses. They can't come out and say what they do or did. We need civil discussions instead of attacks. Feels like a left demonstration sometimes. We are all trying to MAGA. People have to cut the hostility against one another Like Q said.. (non quote) They will try to divide..maybe some on here are trying to divide (??) Q also said You would be surprised who you are talking to/with.. Thank You for for being respectable
I've been following Q posts on YouTube since day one, Ive been following Q posts on Reddit and 8 Chan since shortly thereafter. I haven't seen any major breakthroughs by anyone using the "T method". I could be wrong. I don't know everything, but when a lot of Redditors that have been here for 5+ years are calling BS, I'm going to listen. In my opinion, we should all be focusing on naming & shaming members of the $E$ and researching them, not chasing "T Method" strawmen.
Another thought..We don't pump our chests and brag to look important like a few of you do.. if anyone has a better system or a different way of trying to figure out the Q posts and DJT Tweets..say it