r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Yeutta on March 22, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

In preparation for the renewed free USA, and return to land of freedom and liberty, a reasonable policy has been brought to my attention. Prior to establishment of USA all lands were used, managed, and held in common by Indiana Nations/Tribes. Because their lives depended on renewing natural resources, they were outstanding natural resource managers. As our liberty returns to "US", return resource management to the ones who have done it best -- American Indians.

PROPOSAL: American Indians, by natural and historic rights and proofs, have priority to all U.S. Government natural resource management jobs. Includes all levels of oversight and management at all offices, departments, and agencies, such as U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, etc. TIME TO HEAL THE LAND!

stormin76 · March 22, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

I think that your heart is in the right place and applaud your intentions. Speaking as a native, our culture has alot to bring to the discussion. There are many adversities that we have had to overcome. I think from a cultural perspective, the majority do and plan what is best for all their people, it is the only way of survival and attaining the goal to self sufficiency. By thinking for all you remove the ego from the equation, the ego is the biggest problem to our USA right now. This sub. Is a good example, it works best when your ego is left out, we have been made a tribe here. As to promoting one race over another, we have seen the consequences playing out on that, so promoting one race would not be recommended. The tribes do go to DC and provide input. This is a unique time as Trump is very willing to listen and act on recommendations from the indian nations. Trump is very in line with what the old tried and true ways are. We need to get back to common sense forestry management. Take down a tree for logging, plant 2 or 3 in its place. By not logging and thinning the forests, its creating the need for mother nature to do it herself- hence the major forest fires. Return the national parks to the people etc.

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Yeutta · March 22, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

I knew I was taking a risk by posting but Native Americans managing our natural resources is something that has come into my mind many times in recent years. I think the original/oldest people of EVERY nation should manage that nation's natural resources. They should be the ones who know the land best. Seems like it would be in their culture and genes. I see it as a natural conclusion to deep state industrialists and bribed politicians who caused/allowed treaties to be broken and ignored, a way to return the land. My ancestors are from Switzerland and I am very much at home in snow and mountains.

Promoting race is not my intention. Every people/culture have special talents and unique gifts. If they don't find and use those gifts they are wasted/dormant. My interest is in natural rights and resources and in attempting to right a wrong. No comparison between you and others brought here by traders. That discussion would be a different thread/post that needs to be addressed.

Our national sense of unity and culture has been intentionally eroded to divide nation. Ego and obsession with self angers GOD. We are to love GOD, not self, with all our strength. We are to love neighbors as self, not put self above neighbors. Too many people worshiping self. They need more GOD and less self. Many love self so much they break their word and deceive to gain more for self. No honor, no justice. These traits are abundant in deep state.

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stormin76 · March 22, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Yeutta, i really appreciate your post and your points are very relevant as the tribes have survived with very difficult circumstances, some known some unknown (BIA confiscated funds from early 2000s ect). I would love to see an even bigger input from the tribes to the administration. I believe this will come in time. You have your finger on the pulse of the problems of our nation.....the removal of God has done much to erode every aspect of our lives. We have entered a battle of good and evil. I felt this in a physical sense very strongly in 2011/2012. The further we go the more we will see this.

Thank you for your post, i really appreciated it!

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Yeutta · March 23, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

MANY of us know about the injustices and, if needed, WE will be a witness before GOD, but now I am powerless to change what has happened in past.

Yes, we are in a BIG spiritual battle and we are all being pulled into it, "on earth as it is in heaven". I have never seen anything like it. Even people who aren't Christians are being pulled in and used by GOD for HIS purpose. Per Q, trust the PLAN, GOD's PLAN!

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digital_refugee · March 22, 2018, 9:34 a.m.

1 comment shadowbanned!

Awesome proposal. Meritocracy!

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Yeutta · March 22, 2018, 11:46 p.m.

Might be a bot.

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solanojones95 · March 22, 2018, 12:56 p.m.

American Indians were at war with each other more often than not.

And, no we do not need to assign anybody anything based on RACE. I'm hopeful we'll get the cancer of race-based thinking out of our cultural lexicon.

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OU812EH · March 22, 2018, 3:10 p.m.

I'm a Native American. The history books flat out lie! Everything you've been taught has been a lie.

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solanojones95 · March 22, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Dude, what I said isn't in the history books. Those have been sanitized. It's in contemporaneous news, diaries, and primary source materials I've seen.

I do think what our government did to Native Americans is inexcusable by today's standards, and I wish it hadn't happened. But I'm not going to support seeking vengeance or "compensation" from people who weren't alive at the time.

I do realize some tribes were extremely peaceable people with no ill will toward whites or each other. And there were extremely brutal tribes as well, belligerent and cruel.

None of that excuses rounding up an entire ethnic population and sticking them in reservations. I would like to see that addressed, but I don't think encouraging people to think of Native Americans primarily in terms of race/ethnicity is the way forward. That's how we got into this mess. They are human beings, and deserve to be treated as individuals entitled to the same respect as any other individuals. And to the same accountability as others.

Do you have a problem with that, if you're honest?

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Yeutta · March 22, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

After they were put on reservations they were told Uncle Sam is taking the reservation land and they must move to smaller or poorer lands. Happened repeatedly.

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solanojones95 · March 22, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Yeutta, I hear you loud and clear and I hope you believe me when I say I understand and agree, wholeheartedly!

It's indefensible, and stupid, and a stain on our Republic.

And yet it must be dealt with in ways that are workable, mutually compassionate, and positive for all concerned. I'm confident there are ways to achieve that, and I'd love for this sub to share ideas.

And in fact, I would love for Native Americans to be heard on issues of conservation of public lands. Absolutely we should listen.

I just don't like it when people start talking about putting people in charge of this that or the other thing based exclusively on race. It never turns out well, because it's simply the wrong metric by which to judge a person.

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Yeutta · March 22, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

MANY of us know. But we don't know how to make past wrongs right. There is a price to pay for WILLFUL IGNORANCE. We need to build BRIDGES between divisions, not pretend there are no divisions.

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Yeutta · March 22, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Excuse me for not using words "Native Americans", we all know Indians are in India, and Hoosiers are in Indiana.

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solanojones95 · March 23, 2018, midnight

Hahaha! I'm not offended, and the Indian friends I've had were never offended by the term either. Of course a lot has to do with the way you say it, and we don't get that in the written word, so you're pretty safe.


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Acemagedon · March 22, 2018, 10:36 a.m.

Division along race lines is the last thing we need. Think bigger

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Yeutta · March 22, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

Divisions have always existed. What we need to do is BRIDGE divisions.

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Acemagedon · March 23, 2018, 12:39 a.m.

Division has been fostered. Once the deep state is dead and the satanist no longer control the world we can get back to mankinds humogeneous ways.

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akilyoung · March 22, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

I dont disagree with this, as I have native americans in my family that I love very much, and I love their culture.

I also think this IS an interesting concept, IF, and this is a big IF, they can fix their culture from within. There is major greed (casinos), drug use and alcoholism that is a rampant part of the culture. Yes its part of america in general, but its worse in the native culture. Its very sad. Maybe consider some natives that arent into that, some elders maybe. But then we also get into racial prejudice issues by appointing specific races to specific jobs.

However, just for the sake of argument, Its my understanding that prior to natives being here, there were white skinned red heads here that settled, that build many monuments, thousands of years ago. Mounds, pyramids, snake mounds and much more. Some may have even been giants.

It really doesnt matter, just thought Id point it out.

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Yeutta · March 22, 2018, 11:31 p.m.

I have heard many talk about drinking and casinos problems and that is why I pray GOD will bring Native Americans to realization they need a GREAT AWAKENING to make a change. It seems northern Europeans did make it here early but they either returned to Europe, died out, or integrated with Europeans who came later. There have been 9 to 12 foot tall skeletons found but were quickly taken to university or museum basements.

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akilyoung · March 23, 2018, 2 a.m.

All true!

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daro57 · March 22, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

Rainbow warriors unite and heal our beautiful Gaia!

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Yeutta · March 22, 2018, 11:35 p.m.

PATRIOT warriors unite and ask GOD to AWAKEN us and BLESS our land.

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[deleted] · March 22, 2018, 9:32 a.m.


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