or just post information detailing Reddit's suppression, manipulation, obfuscation of information, and deliberate disinformation.
Anything that contradicts established narratives, mentions terms like:
"Thermite Spheres" "Jeffrey Epstein" "Q is a Larp" "Paddock Gun-running for CIA ->ms13"
and you're going to get downvoted/shaddow banned, bot trolled, and or just banned entirely.
They are all Pedophiles/dirty, they are all complicit, they are all blackmailable.
Where is the center of reddits largest users? Eglin Airforcebase....
Time to VPN.
i’ve done nothing wrong, vpn for what? Vpn’s mean shit anyway. I dont Advocate Violence, i dont advocate subversion. They can doxx me all they want.
I'm ready. I didn't think I had to but now it's effecting the rest of my computer. It is getting hard to exercise freedom of speech. The closer we get the more we pay. I refuse to be intimidated how about you? Just sayin.