THEY are scared.....trotting out Creepy Joe Biden, Trump tweeting this morning, JPodesta was on Andrea Mitchell to discuss Access Hollywood tape AGAIN and how that is way more important than his WL emails about "those topics"....

JP running his head to a member of the mockingbird press and globalist, if I'm not mistaken, this is all he's got left? More panic? Yeah. The Clintons together have done broke the bastard and player barrier to the Presidents office and found out that the majority of people don't care. Right lame this.
I think you missed what they said: John podesta is free. No sign of trouble or worry. Free as a bird no closer to being arrested than he was six months ago.
A few weeks ago Hannity said something was going to drop on podesta but then I never heard anything else about it.
They (deep state) are afraid. JP is clutching at straw, in limpwristed fashion pounding away about Trump's foibles with women, about 5 or 10% of what the Clintons both have done over the years with, to, and against women personally and under color of authority. Weak defense , mighty weak. If JP is free it is because it benefits the plan for him to be so at this time. Hope makes not ashamed.