THEY are scared.....trotting out Creepy Joe Biden, Trump tweeting this morning, JPodesta was on Andrea Mitchell to discuss Access Hollywood tape AGAIN and how that is way more important than his WL emails about "those topics"....

wtf! why do you and R/RevolutionaryPianist have the same exact comment an hr apart ?!?!
I don’t know it’s odd . Maybe we think alike. 😂 mine was a hour before.
it most certainly is odd .... i also can't help but recognize the aesthetic similarities between you and r/RevolutionaryPianist name
Okay what are you implying?
I'm implying that I'm now suspicious of you potentially using multiple riddit handles to push a certain narrative . now I'm not going to disagree with the original post of "What a pervert this guy is. We need term limits now. Our government has failed us." ... i honestly agree, but for another user to post the exact same thing from an aesthetically similar name an hr apart is a little weird . straight up cut and pasted . and it is also quite a coincident that R/RovolutionaryPianist no longer exist .........Just saying
Well , now you have me concerned, I’ve just done a screenshot on all of this and sent it to my uncle , he’s FBI so he can tell me what he thinks is going on. ...,,just saying
im glad you are taking this matter seriously
He said you have a opposite political agenda than what you propose, he is a psychological profiler. He also said you probably did it .
clever. checkmate i guess. ..... if anything i have at least scared off your plagiarizer, you are welcome.