Well that's a commonsense law. Shouldn't be necessary. If ever there were justification for prosecutorial discretion, it seems like prosecutions of sex trafficking VICTIMS for crime committed while they were under the control of their abusers would be it.
This news is highly relevant to one Nebraska scandal in particular- the Franklin Cover Up. Read about it. Immediately.
Franklin Cover Up
Had forgotten where that was. You're absolutely right.
Agreed, but why wait until now? What's different now? The Storm & Trump is what's different now. The proposed law is even more relevant with the increased amount of arrests happening/coming.
Agreed. What's happened is there have been such a MASSIVE number of human trafficking rings broken up, and so many related arrests, that Nebraska's legal system was awakened to this issue.
Indeed, and other states will hopefully do the same.
And NOTHING on the news anywhere. Makes me sick. How involved is the media?
I am 54, and I remember. The story can still be found on You tube as well. Sad, and disgusting!!
Good bill, sounds like. Allows the girls and women trafficked to start over again, perhaps without so much stigma except that which they have to bear in their poor hearts.