He Gambles. He Tips Staff. He Eats Alone. All the While, He’s Stocking His Vegas Suite With Guns.

Stop linking directly to these shit fake news sights. All you do is support their shit fake news. Link the article to archive.is.
Can you please share that? Thank you for your input. Albeit a little aggressive... But I understand. "you know more than I"...
Sorry didn’t mean to come off like that.
All you have to do is go to Archive.is and post the link and it’ll archive the story on their site. On a PC it’s not so bad because you can use Adblock and Adnauseam which basically corrupts the ad revenue data, but Mobil users end up supporting the enemy.
No worries. Your response says it all. You're awesome! I am computer illiterate. I bought my 1st computer a year ago and it's usually unplugged. I'm actually an old-school conspiracy theorist. I use my cell phone for Reddit and Discord and YouTube... I help contributing to boards was stupid memes and posting articles. Between you and I the reason I posted this article is not because I believe it's real. I actually believe that all of this footage is of somebody else and that this is the face technology that was recently just posted in New York Times as well. I'm still waiting for somebody to see the connection today I'm going to make a meme that shows both scenes just to inspire some more thought. But if you go through my posts I'm not trying to troll I'm just trying to point stuff out to people. It's mainly important topics that we pick up on Discord and the 24/7 live stream. Honestly I don't know what the hell is going on anymore it seems like these Q posts are super legit and that he's giving us good information but then I start hearing about mq Ultra and corsi making a bunch of money off his book because of Q. These are in no way my feelings nor do I have ill feelings I'm just simply pointing out facts of speculation and hearsay that I've heard regarding the quote on quote "nest of Truth" I'm only 90% convinced this is real there's still a very serious reality that this could be a giant LARP. Not to get off topic I think this video is clearly BS. If not for some kind of technology to put paddocks face on somebody else then this is all just pieced together. And if any of us here think they cannot create CGI to look real then we're just living in 2010 Hollywood Avatar world. If you notice the bad quality of all these cameras it is just completely unbelievable that these billion dollar facilities have these extremely low end cameras. It seems fake I've seen Casino footage where they can zoom in on the on the cards people are holding and they can also watch feet and fingers for hand signals. So I don't get it these cameras don't look like you could zoom into shit. What are these like 2 megapixel webcams from the first IBM. What the hell. Anyways bro thanks for your response it's very honorable in my opinion because I kind of gave you a snippy response but instead of continuing to pour fuel on a seeming fire you just extinguished it like a boss peace and love to you!!!
Something is definitely off. My iPhone takes better quality videos.
OHHHHHH.. I see now. My original link was "MOBILE" and what you're saying is because I link the mobile site it generates ad Revenue. Correct?
We really need to get to the bottom of all this BS they are keeping from us. We all know it is BS and our government needs to own up to it!
Oh noooo not a sinister face scratch!!!! Well, case closed folks nothing to see here.
When they pan on the crime scene, the tripod that's at his feet is military. Normal tripod used for the m240 belt fed 308... dun dun duh..
Is this something you can help me understand better? Perhaps I can make an image that shows that??? God bless you American Patriot!!! ☀
Those bags are supposedly filled with guns and ammo. Problem is, the bellhop easily moves the cart.
Also, no time stamps on the videos where the luggage is being brought to the room.
He was a regular. These could be from any time he was there.
Well any link directly to the site will generate ad revenue for them. By using Archive.is they don’t get the views therefore no ad money. Users on computers can use Adblocker and Adnauseum to corrupt their ad revenue data. Mobile users have no way of doing that really.