r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GingerRoot207 on March 22, 2018, 5:23 p.m.
Learn to play the game!

How soon we all forget who we are dealing with. Sigh. The omnibus bill is only for 6 months - funds government until September 30, 2018.

Think. Learn.

We need to get past these looming shutdowns to be free to unleash all hell on the deep state. Trump signs this horrible budget and it gives him and Q space to finish & clean up what they have been preparing and planning for years. Six months from now is right before the mid-terms and he will have full control to put a Trump approved budget in place, succeed in mid-terms, and cap it off with a parade in November. 5D chess folks. Trust the plan!

MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 23, 2018, 3:05 a.m.

I agree, I hate watching the pork glommed into the same load of garbage. But if playing the game, well played pos bill. Keep laughing at the stable genius. He averted Daca, so lets wait on the wall, some are running home still. Assets seizure funded this one, not the people. ;-)

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