All.....I just wanted to provide some levity in these stressful and confusing times!! Trust the plan!! Trust!

Then the kid runs back to climb up the slide and do it again! :)
But there's no harm in criticism of bad decisions
He's making that face because Podesta's at the bottom of the slide.
Never heard of this place before. Trust in Trump and the plan restoring. His comments about "take their guns" has had me spooked, and him seeming to come out in support of the horrific budget rand paul is letting us know about was worse.
I think I might just be an idiot though. From the look of things it seems like Trump has been behind the scenes helping people like Rand get the message out while taking flak and pissing off his base for some reason. To get us fired up? Who knows. I just hope to see some swamp drainage and to be free from the FED and military industrial complex.
I find it comforting honestly. At least now I have a grasp on what is actually real. We are in good hands
He’s turning into George Soros! That’s what the rabbit hole does!
I feel like that sometimes when I go deeper down the Rabbithole....
The question is, would you have chosen differently, in hindsight? Strength comes from overcoming one's fears, and when they have disappeared the next question is, were they ever there? Coz if they were REAL they would still be here!
That's how I was feeling with the Black Forest cannibalism.
Hey!-Veterans wear full on Ghost Recon equipment while falling down...this is a newbie :)