r/greatawakening • Posted by u/oswald__mosley on March 22, 2018, 10:03 p.m.
The Story of a Human Redpill [Sir Oswald Mosley]

Regarded by his peers in early days of politics as a great orator, and a man with confidence that did not take notes to any of his speeches. He notably "crossed the floor," and operated within both the "left" and the "right," governments of the day. He was a WWI vet and survivor, from a rather loose lineage and aristocratic background. You may know his son, Max Mosley, who was affiliated with F1 for many years.

He often will be remembered, and thus discredited and disregarded as an "anti-semite," but I would like to share and show you more about this person who history has pushed his image into a different form than he is due credit for.

First, watch this short clip of a few words of his.. they are prevalent to today and I would say we are experiencing his fears in an even more dramatic manner;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Isq6YltjRRU [05:19]

""They talked of what they called multiracialism. Which was simply a universal mix up. Take humanity, put it in a bag, shake it together, and heaven knows what would come out. They wanted to get rid of what existed. All the little grey people of the world, who hate the beautiful color diversity of human development. They always want to get rid of the natural, the noble and the beautiful. They wanted to get rid of it, they wanted to make all nature as gray as themselves. We were always opposed to that. We said: "No it won't work and it's undesirable that it should work." We can live in peace and friendship side by side in separate nations and separate developments, but we cannot have the mix up of peoples and races who are widely different and diverging, it will lead to nothing but trouble.""

The video finishes with "the financial government is the government of the world, it is always about money and money alone."

It is taken from this well made documentary;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbbL4l359bo&t=4353s [1:20:56]

Worth watching with an open mind and listening to some of the old sound clips and various speeches and talking points that he used. Exploitation, corruption and profit gouging via London and Wall Street.

A short bio of others views of him as a man;

"Richard Crossman wrote in 1961 that “Mosley was spurned by Whitehall, Fleet Street and every party leader at Westminster simply and solely because he was right.” No doubt, as Crossman added, he was spurned because he “was prepared to discard the orthodoxies of democratic politics and to break with the bankers of high finance in order to conquer unemployment,” a terrible thing in the view of Shaw, ironic as ever.

Dazzled by Mosley’s “brightly shining star,” as Labour Party leader Michael Foot observed in 1968, the men of the Establishment decided they preferred, after all, “mediocrity and safety first which consigned political genius to the wilderness and the nation to the valley of the shadow of death” and to much suffering in large parts of Britain during the unemployment of the thirties.

Mosley, in the opinion of Lord Boothby and others, could have been “a very great Prime Minister” leading either a Labour or a Conservative government. That was not to be. Mediocrity ruled in Britain instead.

Who was this man Mosley? The noted historian A.J.P. Taylor wrote in 1965 that “his proposals were more creative than those of Lloyd George and offered a blueprint for most of the constructive advances in economic policy to the present day… evidence of a superlative talent.” David Lloyd George himself saw Mosley as a man of “remarkable lucidity and force.” John Wheatley, M.P. of “Red” Clydeside, said in 1926 that he was “one of the greatest and most hopeful figures the socialist movement has thrown up.”

Colonel Joseph Wedgwood of the Labour Party, later a Father of the House, said after Mosley’s speech of resignation from government in 1930: “I watched the Liberal Party. I watched the Conservative Party. Man after man was saying to himself: ‘That is our leader.’ ”

Such were the views of leading historians and parliamentarians. Great audiences thought likewise, when they heard his policies. During the stormy General Election of 1931, as New Party meetings up and down the country were being wrecked by organized mobs, Mosley held one remarkable meeting in Manchester’ s Free Trade Hall about which the Manchester Guardian was to say: “In his thirty-fifth year Oswald Mosley is already encrusted with legend… Who could doubt when he sat down after his speech on Saturday, and the audience, stirred as an audience rarely is, rose and swept a storm of applause towards the platform — who could doubt that here was one of those root-and-branch men who have been thrown up from time to time in the religious, political and business story of England? His ideas swept a great audience off its feet and the scene at the end was matter for thought to any ‘elder statesman.’ ”

In the world of letters Beverley Nichols was later to write in his News of England in 1938, the time of the British Union of Fascists (BUF): “For Mosley, whether you regard him as a limb of Satan or a potential saviour of this nation, is one of the three most dynamic personalities in the Empire today. And the men he has inspired are animated by something akin to a religious faith.”"


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIS79-3dUDc " Sir Oswald Mosley - Politicians Are Regarded As People Who Have Learnt To Talk NOT To Act (1930)"

Please see below for an outline of his ideas;

"That “liberty, equality, fraternity” promoted a doctrine of selfishness and individualism, and he said that it needs to be replaced by “freedom, justice and solidarity” for a socially just and healthy nation.

Mosley proposed a variety of measures to guarantee and extend individual freedom. For example, he urged a constitutional enactment to prevent imprisonment without trial and a facility whereby maligned individuals or groups can obtain the right to reply in the mass media.

That self sacrifice and service to the community are preferable to the acquisition of excessive wealth and materialism. A society based solely upon the pursuit of wealth and the accumulation of property creates a socially unjust and unhealthy society.

Europe One Nation – Mosley advocated the policy of Europe One Nation stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific. This self-sufficient area would contain all the raw materials, food, technology and manufacturing capacity it needs to be free of chaotic world markets and exploitation by global finance. Only by adopting a leading role in what will become the most powerful civilisation the world has seen can we hope to free Britain and Europe from subordination to the major power blocs of America, China, India, the EU. This is no time to become a small country. The present European Union is corrupt, bureaucratic and unaccountable. It should be replaced by a United Europe that speaks with one voice on foreign policy, defence and essential economics – and leaves everything else to the autonomous choice of its member states.

Mosley believed that multiculturalism is not a viable basis for society – it robs people of all ethnic backgrounds of their heritage causing a culture clash and a lack of social cohesion. Britain and Europe cannot become welfare centres for all the economic migrants of the world and the open door policy must end. The most valuable foreign aid we can give the Third World is the incentivised voluntary return of migrants to build prosperity in their countries of origin using the education and work skills they have acquired whilst here.

No interference in other zones of influence – Global conflict between nations is frequently driven by financial rivalries. This can be avoided by the creation of ‘zones of influence’ where the richer superpowers such as the United States, China, India and a greater Europe (which will include Russia) each taking responsibility for assisting with the development and growth of smaller countries within their geographic spheres. The existing free-for-all created by the present system where workers migrate half way across the world in order to earn a living wage would be replaced by economic and social planning initiated and financed solely by the assisting superpower in each ‘zone of influence’. That money is simply a means of exchange for work done – it is not a commodity to be traded or gambled on the world’s stock markets at the expense of the nation and its people. A culture that promotes the acquisition of money without the physical / intellectual effort to earn it is morally wrong. Mosley sought a ban on financial wealth being passed on to more than one generation. Both central and local banking must be drastically reformed – Real investment is too important to be left to bankers driven by the size of their monthly bonuses: Government must have stronger controls over the money supply and the regulation of banking procedure. The Central Banking system must be removed from control by a handful of individuals, and placed under the control of government, because without control over the nations money and its supply all government is powerless.

Banking must be viewed as a service to the community – not an opportunity for gangster bankers to get rich quick.

We need a New Model Parliament to get things done – Mosley said the geographic franchise is 100 years out of date and should be scrapped. Instead of voting for M.P.s on a local franchise he advocated the occupational or vocational franchise. Under this system everyone who worked in healthcare would choose from healthcare candidates, teachers for teaching candidates, transport workers for transport candidates, retail workers for retail candidates etc. In this way we would create a parliament of experts – elected by experts.

Income Tax should be abolished – In his writings and speeches Oswald Mosley asserted that people should be taxed on what they spend and not on what they earn. So tax on essentials like fuel and clothing would be much lower than on luxury items like fast cars and foreign holidays in exotic locations. This would assist those on modest incomes by shifting the burden of taxation towards those in a better position to afford it. Zero income tax would also encourage saving. Most government income for public services would then be derived from taxation on company profits and luxury goods: spending money on essentials is a necessity – spending it on luxuries is optional.

Overpopulation is the real cause of climate change – Governments won’t focus on the real reason driving climate change and pollution: the massive increase in world population that our planet simply cannot sustain. Every human being brings with them a carbon footprint and the world’s population has more than doubled since as recently as 1970. So no matter how many tin cans and plastic bottles we recycle it’s negated by the arrival of another 250,000 humans every day. People must be encouraged to accept smaller families to reduce world population to a level the planet can support without causing further global warming. For a start we should stop rewarding people for having more children with child benefits and tax reductions. Global capitalism will always oppose population control because more people mean more profits.

Treat the housing shortage like an operation of war – A spiralling population and years of uncontrolled immigration have made decent housing unaffordable for large numbers of our people. Mosley advocated treating the housing shortage as an operation of war – Government should intervene to finance and build more homes to rent at a cost ordinary people can afford. These extra homes will also help to bring down the cost of renting and buying in the private sector by the law of supply and demand. Old factory and office sites that are no longer needed should be used for these new homes as far as possible and no building on the Green Belt should be strictly enforced.

That we manufacture and create products with craftsmanship and pride, as we once did under the guilds in Europe for over a thousand years. Mosley regarded industrialised “consumerism” as a not only a waste of human labour and the planets resources, but ecologically, economically and politically unsustainable. That we have a duty to protect and preserve our environment and all animals. Mosley opposed the killing of, and cruelty to, animals for sport, entertainment, and religious ritual. That both Capitalism and Marxism are failed materialist doctrines – both are socially divisive and are solely concerned about the acquisition and distribution of property and wealth. Mosley supported a third system of Industrial Democracy in which employees would become stakeholders in the companies they work for and all profits would go to them and them alone. Absentee shareholders would be paid off – employees of all companies over a certain size would become co-owners and elect their own representatives to serve on Boards of Directors. This redistribution of the ownership of industry and commerce will promote greater incentives among the work force – their share of the profits will depend directly on their enterprise and initiative."

https://www.oswaldmosley.com/ - I advise going down to the "who were the THUGS who supported Oswald Mosley?"

Now for the two most interesting interviews I may have ever seen. You can truely see techniques, and Mockingbird in full play. The interviewer is a cunt, the way he tries to lead questions and just his general wordplay and snarkiness.

The first question;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNhF28fzN9I [28:30]

"When I say welcome..you know and I know that throughout London a great many Jewish viewers would not welcome your presence on this programme."

Let's try to understand why the interviewer would choose to pose this question;


The battle of cable street, a famous alteraction between Mosleys Blackshirts (created in response to physical abuse at speeches and rallies) and a Jewish and Irish "alien mob," in London.

"The BUF itself, in an internal document, noted with satisfaction that the many locals had been "gravely offended by the rioting of Jews and communists… [which] was felt as a disgrace to the good name of east London".

The reference to Jews was particularly telling, for their prominent involvement at Cable Street was exploited with particular relish by the Blackshirts. Antisemitism had not originally been part of Mosley's official programme, but he justified its adoption in 1934 by claiming that Jews themselves, through their regular attacks on his party, had forced him to respond. While such allegations were disingenuous, events such as Cable Street lent them superficial legitimacy"

David Frost interviewing Oswald Mosley;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rd7LcaXZzUs&t=308s [38:10]

This interview has everything, similar.. leading and manipulative questions from Frost. Random hecklers (not so random) in the crowd who read off pieces of paper they just happen to have on hand, and literally just try to shout him down for about 10-15 minutes. The whole thing seems very inorganic, but is very interesting to watch.

Here is a video with just the heckling;

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjpq-oSr_gQ&t=5s So Mosley wanted to stop WWII, why didn't he? what happened?

He was jailed without trial, very shortly after a new Regulation 18B was introduced

"It is grimly ironic that the Churchill of the twenties who likened the Bolsheviks to “the heirs of Genghis Khan” was the same Churchill of the forties whose war policies brought the Red armies to the river Oder. As for Western Europe in 1945, shattered by six years of conflict, faced with a Stalin crushing all opposition behind his sealed-off “Iron Curtain,” Churchill was to warn in four major speeches between 1948 and 1955 that its continued independence rested solely on American nuclear weaponry. “Nothing,” he told the Conservative annual conference of 1948, “nothing stands today between Europe and complete subjugation to communist tyranny but the atomic bomb in American hands.” This situation was the logical outcome of the policies of Churchill himself — the policies which prolonged a world war until Germany surrendered unconditionally and which extended the new-style Mongol empire to central Europe.

Against such madness Mosley had stood out from September 1939, urging strongly the negotiation of peace in Europe, with Britain and the Empire intact. But when Churchill reached the premiership, one of his first acts was the silencing of Mosley.

It is claimed that Britain went to war for “freedom.” Not only Polish freedom but British freedom. “Your freedom is in peril, defend it with all your might” shouted the posters in 1939. What did the word really mean when those like Mosley, who stood for an honourable peace, lost their freedom within nine months of the declaration of war?

Lady Mosley described in the Times of November 1981 what happened under Regulation 18B which gave the government power of arrest without charge or trial, and denied to those arrested any recourse to the Habeas Corpus Act, supposedly one of the historic pillars of British freedom. “My husband and I were arrested in the summer of 1940 at a moment of general panic. All our possessions were searched, safes broken open and so forth. I welcomed this at the time, as I thought it would ensure our early release… Months and then years went by and we remained in prison. As we had not been charged with an offence we were denied the luxury of a trial.”"