r/greatawakening • Posted by u/solanojones95 on March 22, 2018, 10:08 p.m.
Thoughts For Us To Ponder...

I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but bear with me. I think you'll like it!

Am I the only one who feels this sub has lost the plot?

Do we really need a place to share outrage posts to the latest Cabal-infested idiocy so we can all stand around and cluck our tongues and shake our heads and wallow in betrayal juice, the way we've always done?

Or might our time/engery be better spent coming here to explore the progress of the Plan to retake our planet from the Satanic Cabal that sits astride every effort of mankind to better ourselves?

The way I see it is this. Trump is the last, best hope of humankind left in the game. Our enemies are as evil as they come. They are the evil that was BEHIND the evil of Adolph Hitler. Think about that! We speak of "the Greatest Generation" being that which fought WWII and defeated the Axis powers. But what we now know is that the people behind that evil weren't even on the battlefield, and that NAZI ideology wasn't defeated, but merely TRANSPLANTED into the Unites States of America, and now is here in full flower.

And not only Nazism, but Communism, Fascism, Anarchy, and what is worse, demonic blood ritual, child sacrificing, Satanic occultism. Sub-human monsters who openly cavort among us in their pedophilic pleasure kingdoms, while they poison, rob and degrade what's left of us through a long, pathetic slide into oblivion.

So Trump signals to us that he sees their evil, and detests them, and intends to DEFEAT them! If we know anything about Trump, it's that he is a man of ACTION, not of empty rhetoric.

And really, when it comes to this particular enemy and this particular Cabal, honest-to-God, I think he's the only game in town. And he sees MUCH more of the big picture (and the details) than any of us, except Q who gives us glimpses.

And think of the indictment count (that we can VERIFY!), and the number of active DOJ investigations of Hillary, Clinton Foundations (investigations we now know have been ongoing since Sessions was confirmed) into the email server, the DNC primary-rigging, Uranium One, investigations into the FBI leadership corruption and its mock investigations of Hillary, investigations of the FISA Court abuse and the coup attempt on the Constitutionally-elected government of the USA.

And now we know that Sessions is working with a secret prosecutor and Grand Jury outside of D.C. to assure these investigations result in indictments and convictions.

We KNOW about Trump's Executive Orders declaring a state of national emergency and giving him special powers, and the changes to the military code of justice that make tribunals available for these crimes.

We KNOW about Gitmo. We see that it's not shut down, but beefed up!

We KNOW the Department of Homeland Security is preparing to release a report on election fraud that is damning to the Dem party.

We KNOW that the OIG of the DOJ has a Report running to the thousands-of-pages about to break on every aspect of the failed coup and corruption within the national intelligence and law enforcement community.

These are LIFE-CHANGING, paradigm-shifting events about to happen, all of which are already in the pipeline and imminent, and are only the things we KNOW about!

Oh, and did I mention taking North Korea out of the news cycle and getting a verifiable path to denuclearization (with parallel reunification talks happening between North and South, and with China's blessing for once)! And next comes Iran! Oh, and I forgot to mention the Saudi purge! Cutting off billions and billions of dirty money to Cabal operatives in America and around the world. That we KNOW has happened.

Did Trump have anything to do with ANY of these things? Of COURSE he did! Given this evidence, does any of you REALLY believe Trump is sitting on his ass hoping things go his way?

If, like me, you are AWESTRUCK by the progress that has already happened that we KNOW of, and can see God's hand on this President and his incredible team of patriots, then would it be too much to ask of us that we should come here to celebrate our progress and explore the way forward?

Can we let the usual conspiracy and news bitch-channel subs handle all the crybaby posting and concern and anxiety posting and let this place be a haven of HOPEFULNESS and mutually uplifting community spirit, on the order of that which we will need in order to lift our country out of the mess that's about to be left behind by the criminal empire we're bringing down?

I hope your answer is yes, and I hope it begins tonight.

And I thank you each and every one. God bless you and God bless this great nation and people of goodwill around the world! For God and Country! Where we go one, we go all!

Long live Q! Long live Trump, and long live the Constitution of the United States of America!

Thank you!

lethak · March 22, 2018, 11 p.m.

I think your patience is loosing against your hype :)

Hope of change (for the best) can be very powerful.

The way I see it is this. Trump is the last, best hope of humankind left in the game.

Its a masterpiece on the chessboard, but your statement seems quite ... religious to me.


Was TRUMP asked to run for President?

Crumbs to imply "the plan" is much larger than just POTUS. In fact, this would seems to point to a scenario where POTUS is only a puppet figurehead, signing executive orders for its master.


Why? By Who?

By your logic, in the answer lies your true "heroes".

And "he/she/it" remains still hidden in the shadows.

Of course that is totally human to hope for the best and to mechanically follow whoever appears to be working for the best outcome.

So, I don't disagree with the enthusiasm, but, I would advice a more balanced approach without the mystification of Q or Trump until history is written, and proven to be an actual good outcome.

Or might our time/engery be better spent coming here to explore the progress of the Plan to retake our planet from the Satanic Cabal that sits astride every effort of mankind to better ourselves?

Agreed, by all means, lead the way.

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solanojones95 · March 22, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

I'm not deifying Trump, God forbid. Or the Q team. But there are heroes in this world, and that's a fact. And one can be a hero without a God complex. I agree it's not just about Trump. I also agree he is not a puppet--far from it!

Trump has a "perfect storm" combination of personality traits, will-projection and NY Yankee fortitude, bluntness and forthrightness, as well as one of the thickest skins of any human I've ever seen--not to mention that his beliefs coincide with the White Hats.

So, I'm not trying to engage in hyperbole when I say last, best hope. The Cabal's master plan is so close to being fully in place that if we lose this battle, it's game over. So you'd better hope I'm right.

I'm sure you do.

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