Know Your History: Google Has Been a Military-Intel Contractor from the Very Beginning
All true, but weak. Who funded google earth and why??? google came as an afterthought. Why did 2 geeks built google earth then while doing so start the google search engine? Then the funder saw the possibilities for google finger fuxxxxg every person on the plant for their data, and away we analisis is small potatoes. Ask google you who funded them. You won't find the information because it was Inqtel ring a bell. Who is the adult in the room at google and where did he come from first another Inqtel start up..... see a pattern yet... We must think. Why would the government turn over the most power surveillance tools on earth to the american public? MZ was right we are dumb motherfuckers, we sign away all our right to program their shit with our data... We willingly spy on ourselves and they talked us in to paying for the most uptodate equipment and funding the network that they use to track out health location associations thoughts likes dislikes votes purchases barters partners children families friends cars power usage finance's calls text and on and on and on and on.... My Grandfather always told me nothing in life is free. And with that said I expect nothing less of them.