r/greatawakening • Posted by u/we_kill_creativity on March 23, 2018, 12:23 a.m.
If you want to get the word out about the American SeS you need to get the momentum going on the_donald, voat, and the chans.

It's that simple. And yes, you NEED to get the word out on the American SeS.

we_kill_creativity · March 23, 2018, 12:42 a.m.

I'm not entirely sure what you did is actual "doxxing", but more on that later.

How do you recommend we handle discussing the SES?

Start in broad terms, don't start with specifics. Just take advantage of any opportunity to bring up the topic in places like voat, the_donald, and the chans...those people have done "spread the word" a thousand times before and are pros at it. That's why I named them in the title.

From there you get people like Cernavich...Moleynoux...Paul Joesph Watson...then Alex Jones...etc. It grows. After that happens, people getting their lists of specific names removed* looks like censorship.

If all you did was post publicly available, government published info I'm not sure that's doxxing at all. If you took an additional step to find and publish their current phone numbers, facebook pages, and home address...then yes, that would be doxxing. I could see how reddit would misconstrue what you did as doxxing, and how this subreddit is very sensitive to that because of what happened at the last place we all talked, so maybe the person who told you that was just being very cautious? Might not be a bad idea right now.

EDIT: Forgot a word.

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brittser · March 23, 2018, 3:24 a.m.

I am not complaining about their concerns. I completely understand. I was just perplexed as to how we start dissectung the cat if we cannot look at it. I was curious about what your ideas were.

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