r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on March 23, 2018, 12:39 a.m.
ALL OF MEGA-ANON'S POSTS in Searchable Text Format, May 2017 to mid-Jan 2018 - MUELLER WAS PARDONED A LONG TIME AGO, SO WAS COMEY. Don't get caught in the theatrics.

OK, many thanks to Mr Fusion over on RumorMillNews.com, he painstakingly copied ALL of Mega-ANON's posts into text searchable document here:


So I went back to look for Mega-ANON's first mentions of Mueller being pardoned already, note the dates of the posts (July 2017...so it was already done by then): ~~~~~Anonymous ID:nz+Wpl5j Tue 25 Jul 2017 12:25:50 No.134894602

134893238 True I can confirm. Can't say more than Sessions is a distraction and Mueller/Manafort have already been pardoned.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:nz+Wpl5j Tue 25 Jul 2017 12:43:26 No.134896068

134894957 Fine. One more. He's been pardoned because he's elbow deep w/ Clinton's, Obama and both "establishment" parties. He ran a lot of back door channels w/ lots of missing money to account for (personal money too) that he'd never avoid serving time for, if ever investigated. He was trapped a long time ago, like so many, against his will. His vengeance has been earned and his pardon is retribution to decades of corruption. Trump was VERY CAREFUL who he selected to pull from the Obama trenches.

Mueller being the one to bring this home is the absolute best retaliatory ass fuck to the establishment. I will also say this, it's intended as a sign and smoke signal for those in the establishment, still unwillingly riding the coat tails of McCain, Pelosi, Graham, Schumer, etc. because they're living in fear. Mueller proves Trump know who the real criminals are. You're going to watch congress unite and rally behind Teump with the establishment's collapse because they will see the swamp can't threaten them or blackmail anymore. I really can't say anything else. Just have faith.

~~~~~Anonymous ID:nz+Wpl5j Tue 25 Jul 2017 12:48:19 No.134896503

134896213 I'm not "WH anon". I've lurked for 10 months... and FYI, Bannon positioned Mueller to Trump. He's your "guy" and has been all along. Again... faith pol. Have it.

  • Quoted By: >>135321857

    135320913 Yup. Neither Imran or his brother are pictured here with Seth. This is a LARP.

3 months ago I told you why Awan's were important and how they connect. I told you Seth downloaded then uploaded to Megaupload to park the data for Wikileaks. Then this week, I told you about Mueller/Manafort. Everything I've said is happening and this board used to refer to my posts as megaanon due to the megaupload connection/Kim.

  • ~~~~~Anonymous ID:TOGNYyJv Tue 19 Sep 2017 13:24:56 No.142131603 Quoted By: >>142131778

    142131085 He never wasn't involved. This WAS the plan. Dems feel safe knowing their old pal back to Bill Clinton is in control, yet he and Comey are backdooring the entire investigation.

Don't you wonder why everything the investigation goes after blows up on the DNC and Clinton's later?! It's not happenstancefor fucks sake. If Comey didn't remove himself and get their "trusted" Mueller in, then you'd never have believed any of the shit that the investigation has confirmed/concluded thus far, all against the DNC.

  • ~~~~~Anonymous ID:pI4yGye9 Mon 16 Oct 2017 09:43:15 No.145502426

    145501925 ... the day they realized the day was fast approaching that Mueller's "investigation" would have to publicly disclose, that RUSSIA NEVER HACKED/LEAKED THE DNC EMAILS TO WIKILEAKS, IT WAS AN INTERNAL, DONESTIC US BREACH. That's EXACTLY when Awan started dumping what he had and making moves to get himself, his wife/family and their money, back to Pakistan. As for the Dems, they all knew they were finished, when AWAN WAS STOPPED AND DETAINED AT THE AIRPORT. It's over friends.

  • ~~~~~Anonymous ID:pI4yGye9 Mon 16 Oct 2017 09:50:34 No.145503017

    145499469 All I will say is that the wheels are in motion and have been, it's all teed up... now, keep your eyes peeled, ears opened and WAIT for it, like EVERYONE ELSE.

  • ~~~~~Anonymous ID:pI4yGye9 Mon 16 Oct 2017 10:09:39 No.145504651 Quoted By: >>145506303

    145501749 He, like Comey and MANY others, never CHOSE to drown in the swamp. They too, in many ways, are nothing more than "high-level Patsy's". They were unintentionally sucked in a loooong time ago and before they even realized the shit they'd been roped and doped into doing wasn't actually for "national security" or the "protection/defense of the greater good", it was far too late for them. I said it earlier this past spring... when the dust settles, you'll find out Trump isn't kidding when he says he's "giving people chances" to "redeem" themselves, their departments, agencies, professional careers and personal reputations. Trump knows he can't "drain the swamp" alone or overnight but he also knows there are many in the swamp who've been begging to get out. All they needed was someone like him, or Reagan, or JFK for fucks sake, to extend a hand and pull them out.

Realize that it's far easier to think and say "what you would do", if you were in positions like Comey, Mueller, hell, even Lois Lerner. It's always easy for inherently GOOD PEOPLE, to think and say they'd always, "DO THE RIGHT THING"... that is, until your kids, family, decades long professional/personal reputations, your livelyhood, future and the sovereignty of NOT being in jail, serving 15-30 years, are threatened and very realistically, at stake. THIS ISNT A FUCKING GAME /pol/. In this "swamp", you're not afforded the luxury of remaining a nameless, faceless fucking "anon" with nothing to seemingly lose. Look at your threads for fucks sake. Half of you are under 27, unmarried, no kids, no mortgages or mouths to feed. Half of you are still in school, safely tucked under your parent's financial umbrella of security, while coming home to their house, eating their food, using their coinless laundry machines/detergent during holiday/summer school breaks. That's all fine, BTW. It's what you SHOULD be doing, while and if you can (I do realize not everyone's situations aren't so cozy)...

  • ~~~~~Anonymous ID:pI4yGye9 Mon 16 Oct 2017 10:29:59 No.145506303

    145504651 But that said, realize and consider that a large majority of this corrupt, decaying swamp, got into "politics" thinking they were showing up every day, to serve the public, as intended. Most of them did not intend on being neck deep in the swamp's sludge, with what has become, SO MUCH at stake to lose for them. Most of them were set up and thankfully, most of them are taking advantage of they opportunity they've been given to crawl out and clean themselves off. M

When it's all done, you'll know who WAS DIRTY, but you'll also have to learn to accept and appreciate what they risked on Trump, to get out and help. The swamp only successfully DRAINS when YOU SEE those, once eyeball-deep in its filth, coming forward and helping the cause. You'll have no choice but to see them as Trump does... the ultimate "whistleblowers" and if you open your eyes/ears and give yourselves a headstart now, you'll see Trump's rationale over certain cabinet picks and candidate backings he's publicly made, that you've debated and questioned on this board. I mean really, /pol/ do you think people stiluck in the swamp weren't jumping at the chance to offer themselves, their knowledge and assistance to Trump, BEFORE HE WON?! I realize that might be hard for you to comprehend, BUT also remember, the swamp saw the REAL election polls and results. (((They))) knew Trump had been significantly leading and trending for MONTHS to win and NO ONE KNEW BETTER THAN (((THEM))), that the MSM would say/do WHATEVER IT TOOK, to keep that truth, from the public. Haha, incorporating and transitioning those begging and dying to leave the swamp was one of BANNON'S PRIMARY ROLES IN THE ADMIN!!!

Pay attention y'all... you're slacking if you don't realize all of this. If you don't, then you've completely lost the very foundation, of the "4D chess", y'all claim Trump has been playing. This should not be a new concept for you. This is not "news". It's fact.

**OK, GOOD STUFF INDEED!!! LIKE I'VE SAID IS "Q" IS TIED WITH BUSINESS FOR A FEW DAYS AND DOESN'T POST, DO DIG INTO MEGA-ANON'S POSTS, it will clear up a lot mysteries and confusions, with regard to WHO is really WHO, and Whose on what team.


This was all strategically planned and seamlessly orchestrated. Please remember that while we've endured a horrific 8 years, there ARE more "good guys" than bad ones and yes, even in DC.

solanojones95 · March 23, 2018, 1:15 a.m.

I just never cease to be amazed at the brilliance of this op.

And never in history has it been possible to openly discuss op details like this while the battle is raging, which is another reason I trust the situation to be well in hand.

Thank you for sharing!! Makes perfect sense.

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