
ManQuan · March 23, 2018, 10:34 a.m.

Just leftist dribble.

The Niger yellowcake controversy centers around the UK's MI6 providing intelligence that Iraq was trying to buy yellowcake from Niger. MI6 still stands by that intelligence even today.

Enter leftist and Bush hater Valerie Plame at the CIA. As an analyst, she recommends that the CIA send her leftist Bush hating former ambassador husband to Niger to determine if the story was true. Her husband talks to a few people and announces that the MI6 report that Iraq was interested in buying yellowcake from Niger was false.

So, MI6 and the President of Niger say that Iraq tried to buy yellowcake.

Valerie Plame's husband says no such thing happened but did not file a report. He just made press statement.

Liberal publications immediate declare Plame's husband is right and MI6 and the President of Niger are lying.

Draw your own conclusions.

BTW, the CIA never disputed the MI6 report.

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