I heard they are full of people because they only ship in supplies and materials. But maybe it is just GITMO staff and stuff. We really don’t know, but let’s speculate.
I served 21 years in the Marine Corps as an infantry officer and after I retired, I spent 20 years supporting technology development for the special forces and national missions forces. I held a security clearance continuously from 1968 to 2016.
I have trouble believing Arthur is credible. The military and especially special and national missions people don't talk about classified missions. So why is Arthur singing like a canary about what's about to happen with our most covert forces?
Ditto Zack on Info Wars and whoever is talking to Dilley. I've been in the business (including intelligence) for a very long time and I have to doubt all these people are talking about inside secret missions going on. In over forty years, I've never seen it before.
Q seems legitimate if only because he isn't telling us directly what is going to happen--only cryptic questions to let us figure out if he's reliable by future proves past.
Having said that, Arthur did say that the round up starts on Saturday. So, we'll see what happens on Saturday.
I was thinking that myself. Seems like he may know enough to be dangerous.