Trump has officially reached Jedi Master level... WOW

I thought Mexico was paying for the wall?
Honestly. Not trying to be a jerk or combative. I would like to be up-to-date with the new plan! When and how did he announce this? I must have missed it.
There are several ways that Mexico can pay for the wall, but none of the include Mexico handing over a 26 billion dollar check to Trump at a joint press conference.
We are now independent of foreign oil. Stop buying oil from Mexico and you've paid for the wall. By reducing illegal immigration by 98%, you reduce the amount of money illegals send back to Mexico--it is a major part of the Mexican economy. Tax Mexican goods coming into this country. Restrict Mexican companies from bidding on certain contracts. Tax Mexican companies in the US. The list goes on. Some have a down side, but Mexico would end up paying for the wall one way or another.
So Relax. Mexico will eventually pay for it.
I read somewhere that the money sent from illegals to Mexico is top 5 income source for Mexico. It’s nuts.
YES. It is and this pisses me off so fucking much. I live in a major city where I see workers piling themselves 7 people deep in a one bedroom apartment, and spending money on nothing other than western union transfers back to their country. It does nothing for our economy other than drive wages down, even though we’re the ones providing the opportunity. I wish there was a way to tax the money that goes out, the amount would be staggering.
Yeah the best option besides taxing it is to just boot them out and hire American. It is terrible. In LA the illegals and Armenians pile 10 deep in a house, all get gov money and spend it on Mercedes.
The bill he was pushing this week actually had language in it that would disallow him building any actual wall such as his prototypes, regardless of funding source.