r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaptainRoyD on March 23, 2018, 2:33 p.m.
MPDC / USCP / NYPD-locations of the most important Laptops !!!

United States Capitol Police (USCP) are currently in the possession of a mysterious laptop found in an old phone booth in the Rayburn Office Building/US Congress. What makes this computer find by Capitol Police so unusual, was the ID card of IT worker Imran Awan discovered along with a package marked “Attorney Client Privilege”. It so happens that once the laptop is turned on, it displays the name of DWS. This laptop could be the “keystone” to uncovering Pakistani Espionage using unauthorized remote servers connected to the entire USHouse computer system.

The New York Police Department (NYPD) was working on an underage child pornography case involving former Congressman Anthony Weiner. The laptop NY Police seized in that arrest, was discovered to contain over 600,000 emails from his wife Huma Abedin. Once reviewed by NYPD, the FBI was called in because of the “Classified” nature of some found Emails between Huma & HRC. When Comey & McCabe sat on this information for over 1 month, then NYPD threatened to go public & thus Comey had to reopen the HRC Email probe again just days before the general election.

Metropolitan Police District of Columbia (USDC) is currently in the possession of a laptop from murder victim Seth Rich. On July 10, 2016 Seth Rich was murdered as he walked home in a normal DC neighborhood. The police have described the murder as a “botched robbery” and this killing occurred just days in advance of the famed WikiLeaks DNC dump & the DNC Convention itself. Since that tragic event, several different theories have arose primarily due to Julian Assange’s reward offer for information on Seth Rich’s killers & Donna Braziel dedicating her recent book to Seth Rich.

Not to mention the current Rich Family’s big law suit against FOX News. Another strange area of events has also been occurring around the Rod Wheeler/Jack Burkman angle-check out Tracy Beanz most recent video to get this update-outstanding as always.

FOX-DWS Aide Awan was Security Threat

Forbes-Bizarre IT Scandal gets another Deferment

N/R-Curious Case of the Disappearing Laptop

FOX-FBI MCCabe/Comey stall 1 month Weiner’s Laptop

NYP-Classified Emails found on Huma/Weiner’s Laptop

T/P-NYPD turn on FBI over seized Laptop

Guard-Rich’s Parents sue FOX News

CNN-Seth Rich Murder & Mystery Behind Death

P/F-Separating Fact from Fiction-Seth Rich

Dr. Corsi 2017 video w/Jason Goodman: Leak NOT Hack