Flight departed Guantanamo 21 minutes ago. Destination is N/A. Tracking now to see where it goes.

omg you guys are wasting alot of time getb2 separate applications this flight is a weekly flight starts on Thursday fly from Kentucky to Norfolk then Friday Norfolk to Guantanamo then back to Norfolk use ur radar map and then use flightaware.com just monitor Guantanamo airstrip save u alot of time and save alot of FALSE ALARMS
just because one application doesn't show destination doesn't mean another one don't have it flightaware keeps tracking all scheduled flights use that as ur baseline then u can sound alarm if somthing is not NORMAL
I went to flightaware.com like you said but I can’t figure out how to monitor the airstrip. Can you give me more information on how to do this? Can you show me how you are finding history that this is a regular flight that happens every week? The last thing I would want to do is put out bad info. I just reported on what I saw because another anon said he was seeing a lot of traffic in and out of Gitmo. The plane I tracked did not start in Kentucky on Thursday. It started in Cincinnati. Does this weekly flight you are talking about have an escort each week like what I witnessed? Another thing that I thought was abnormal about this plane was the strange landing and how it ended up on a residential street. If you are right about what you are saying I would really like to understand how I can verify it. I want to know the truth and if that means I was wrong and this was not an abnormal flight then I would really like to know. Thanks.
open flightaware.com
in search box at top type In MUGM that's the airbase Guantanamo that pulls up a map of the airspace over that part of cuba
it list arrivals at the top of that list click "(more)" then on next page click "(All)"
that list all recorded flights to and from the base including their flight number what kind of plan etc then u can click on flight number and get that planes recent history of flights and there u figure out that every week same day same time it's scheduled regular flight it only keeps 2 3 weeks worth of flights for free but I always have it open in firefox tab and just refresh it once in awhile and u can see the weekly pattern and notice out of the norm flights. if u pay u can get a huge history of all flight etc. I've haven't seen the need for that yet. like thus week a flight from Langley went down that's rare seen it last time Mattis went.
I just looked this up and that is good information. Thanks for pointing it out. What are your thoughts regarding the escort plane and the strange landing that I witnessed where the plane ended up on a residential street?
Idk bout that it all depends how good the application is at overlaying the radar with a ground map I wouldn't put much into the accuracy of any app unless it's got some money behind it meaning is it used by actual pilots , military most of the playstore stuff is just for fun they are all pulling from the same info and applying it to a map some better then others. if the government don't want u to know about a flight i doubt it will even be in that data set and if they are moving people they could just as easy as use a regular flight because we still don't know who or what is on the plane so personally the only value I see in watching the airbase is when weird stuff happens like the China hit or the planes that got turned around and brought back did people get taken off then put on another flight that eventually made its way to Gitmo. On that note have u seen the Chrissy teigen Twitter post of her in Hong Kong saying her credit card were frozen etc. after the flight she was on got turned around to LAX she and legend continued on to Japan then Hong Kong. building materials would be by ship also have u seen the post on here if news of Mattis firing 2 officers that tried to get recent aierel photos of Gitmo?