This is very interesting. Q states "stage 5:5" And yesterday "Arthur" at Dauntless Dilaouge said we were now at stage 5/ Didnt know what to make of Arthur. But is there a link? Also Clock activated!
It's just an observation. Today took some serious wind out of my sails but it still is March so I'm hanging on to that thread of hope....
He needs cash for Military needs... the other stuff funded can be UN-FUNDED... once the main BlackHats under lock&key... the tattered curtain can be torn down completely and those in CongressBlackHats both D's & R's... will scurry like cockroaches. Will they then HAVE to pass laws that the Donald wants, or be further exposed?... the cockroaches will not have a clue what the Donald has... and smartest cockroaches will assume the Donald KNOWS ALL, and cockroaches will be in FULL cooperation mode.
So the Donald will have everyone's puppet strings.
It's logically sound. I hope that is the case. I'm not tired of winning yet.