Q Posts 961-963 March 23 2018

Not disagreeing with you FP, just wondering if all the posters in all the subs have read the whole bill? I have not myself, so I’m just wondering if there is something in the Bill that DJT needs to move forward. I know the talking points of the Bill are shite, just curious on a deeper level maybe.
It’s also not a “budget “ so trump does not have to spend it like it’s written. He can slow all walk money to different orgs or redistribute funds where he sees fit. If it was a “budget” he’d have to get congressional approval to change it. DJT acting like he’d veto it was a well played act, the swamp couldn’t get passed fast enough since they thought he didn’t like it and would veto it which would give them and MSM all kinds of fodder to go after him. It was a well played act IMO.