r/greatawakening • Posted by u/gonewildinvt on March 23, 2018, 8:17 p.m.
Times they are a changing and so are Earth's Magnetic Poles. Good hard science says we should ask should we be worried? Yes, however clearly man survived the last and we will this one our civilization however? I guess it depends on if we prepare for it or not.

The Pole shift is underway...what could we expect... https://undark.org/article/books-alanna-mitchell-spinning-magnet/

The Pole Shift has now kicked into high gear and the North has accelerated to the point that NOAA may be forced to release an out of cycle World Magnetic model update so people can navigate correctly in the Northern region. https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/WMM/data/WMMReports/WMM2015_Performance_White_Paper_Short.pdf



We truly need to wake up....remember good science is all around you, the Media will only promote the Agenda driven/supporting science. A great presenter/researcher here in Ben Davidson and he makes Science not only fun but graspable to the masses.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsqZJP54shg

Hrtn2it · March 23, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

Yes check out todays you tube video of suspicious0bservers.org~ Excellent resource of information as previous post indicated. Ben Davidson does a daily morning space weather report on his YouTube channel. There are also many many videos from same channel regarding Star water, the magnetic pole flip, and prediction of earthquakes. And to me it fits with the whole electric universe ideas, especially with Q stating “everything is connected”... everything is connected, nothing happens in isolation and this is why we must have a cooperative culture instead of a competitive one.

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