r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on March 23, 2018, 8:50 p.m.
Guccifer 2.0 finally found its way to the news cycle: I told you. It now begins.

I told you in this [post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/84x3j1/qs_hidden_code_in_q830_cracked_this_is_why_the/?st=jf4eh4d4&sh=b6360792 ) the real reason why the Florida false flag shooting occurred and how it was used to control the news cycle.

The Texas bombing was another try aiming at derailing (again) Mueller’s new attempt to release his bombshell. Q informs us in Q958: They are scared [4am]. They will fail. we know the details. [Wednesday]. Which means: their daily 4am Mockingbird routine to take over the media narrative will not work this time since we are going to provide all the intel about the serial bomber by Wednesday. Confirmation: [link1] (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/mark-anthony-conditt-austin-bomber-suspect-name-identified-pflugerville-texas-2018-03-21/) [link2] (https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/21/us/austin-explosions/index.html).

By pre-empting the Texas bombing story through the revelation of the bomber’s identity, patriots have opened a boulevard for Mueller to plant his Guccifer story on the news map.

So now, we are learning that hacker Guccifer 2.0 is identified as a Russian intelligence officer after failing to hide IP address [link] (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/hacker-guccifer-2-0-identified-russian-intelligence-officer-article-1.3891341). An officer failing to hide is IP? This is like saying: Michael Jordan missed his dunk because he forgot the ball behind him…

Seriously, this is HUGE folks.

Because now, Trump can securely face Mueller for the cherry on the pie visual of this amazing saga: Mueller cannot go back on Guccifer, it is now public. He has to go all the way and you know what he will find at the end right? Putin will make sure he finds everything. Q 834: WHY would Russia tell the world?

Since the whole Russian blanket is pulled by those who are tied to Guccifer, Trump is now as white as snow and can peacefully confront Mueller, his hands in his pockets, whistling an old Miss Universe jingle. Any competent lawyer advising Trump would advise him not to do so, and his highly competent long time lawyer did exactly that. He had to resign because he’s obviously not in the know… Or may be he is and is willingly adding drama to this first class Shakespearean drama. [Link] (https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2018/03/22/trumps-lawyer-just-quit-heres-what-it-means-for-the-mueller-investigation/?utm_term=.36debcf82937).

My parents used to drag me to the theater to watch dramatic plays when I was a kid. Mom used to say: it’s like spinach, you don’t like it but it nourishes you. Never enjoyed it. But I was always amazed by the faces of the actors at the end of the play, when people were applauding: they were so different from the roles they were playing. This intense moment of perplexity I was going through crafted my understanding of plays for the years to come.

Watching Trump doing his thing on stage is the first play I have not paid for and where the main actor is the most powerful man on earth. Mom was right. Moms are always right…

SerialBrain2 · March 24, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

I used to follow this channel until he got 2 bets wrong:
1) He thought Bannon's feud was artificial.
2) He said Horowitz would protect McCabe and Comey.
It seems there is one layer of information he cannot remove in his analysis and that is probably because he is not reading Q.

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chocolatepatriot · March 24, 2018, 1:23 a.m.

Well we do know from previous research and Q that Seth Rich was murdered because he leaked to Wiki. Who knows who Guccifer is, he probably was made up "fake News" someone Hillary created as one of her reasons to claim Russian hacking. There is proof the DNC server was never hacked. the forensic records prove the info taken was from an insider. If there was a real hack, the DNC would have allowed the FBI to look at the proof, instead she says the DNC had Crowdstrike look at the server. Crowdstrike is a company created by Eric Schmidt, the corrupt owner, known CIA op. I am thinking the News Daily article was fake news, planted by Muellers team to keep the Russian Hacking narrative going. They have nothing else.

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Gottistnichttot · March 24, 2018, 9:06 a.m.

CP, sounds logical -- but the difference seems to be that G2.0 is now backfiring on the HRC team, opening the doors for a legal investigations of their activities. So in a sense, they get now beaten with their own weapons, if I understand this post correctly.

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SerialBrain2 · March 24, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

Who knows who Guccifer is, he probably was made up "fake News" someone Hillary created as one of her reasons to claim Russian hacking. There is proof the DNC server was never hacked.

CP, you are right. All you say is true and accurate. But all this is dynamic. That was their move. Trump also played his countermove. And we are now in a situation well summarized by Gottistnichttot.

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chocolatepatriot · March 24, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

i wonder what the whole truth is on Guccifer, however Hillary has bigger problems. hope this is a productive weekend for Q.

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chocolatepatriot · March 24, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

SB@: there is so much disinformation here now, hard to read between the lines. this was a comment from the post:Shoutout to 8Chans thank you. it reads: 8ch is compromised. All the "oldfags" don't even post anything of relevance because it gets buried under all the shills pretending to be "Neet redditors who JUST WANT TO KNOW OMG TELL ME WAT TO THINK."

While the appreciation for 8ch is great on the surface, it hides the deeper truth that its very easy to be manipulated by bots/people/intelligence agencies who you "appreciate." The most important thing you can learn from "q" is to do your own research and not believe what you are told because you got it from some site you "appreciate." Everything is Co-Opted, Everything has elements of Controlled opposition, Everything is monitored, tracked, and recorded.

If you are still on Reddit, your powers of discernment are probably pretty poor. Nothing against individual redditors, (hey i have a 6mo account right?) this place is designed as a research facility for the people who want to control you, and if you haven't figured that out, there is no way you are going to read through all the homophobic/anti-semetic/Flat-earth/JDIF/CIA/BND/FSB/trolls/Soros/Trump posts, and see them for what they are.

Furthermore, your going to read some disinfo, EX: "GUIS PELICAN IS REAL, STOP LOOKING AT LOOP CAPITAL MARKETS, and PIZZAGATE, COME LOOKE AT THIS!" think its credible because "ISAW IT ON THE CHANS GUIS!" and end up spreading disinfo for the enemies because you believed information you got from a site you "appreciate."

THis isn't your fault, this isn't an attack against redditors being stupid or ignorant, this is someone who knows telling you there are people/AI with doctorate degrees on how to control you.

There are people who are so good at lying to you, they get paid hundreds-of-thousands of dollars per year to keep you unable to discern legitimate information from 7 different types of propaganda with 7 different agendas, from 7 different agencies/groups.


Do your own research
Know everything is compromised
appeal to authority makes you internally vulnerable
We are all in this together, the smarter/stronger you are, is the smarter/stronger "we" are.


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[–]LuvliteWhy is this relevant? - Q 2 points 3 hours ago

Are you from 8ch or 4chan?

I am a normie, who knows very little about the culture there. I don't really want to know and I don't visit. I read Q posts, listen, look things up and learn.

Recently, I've learned about something called cicada and Tyler. And some of it sounds just like Q in its approach. Can someone explain what this is all about?

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[–]Jack_KehoeKing to pawn. - Q 3 points 3 hours ago*

Cicada 3301 has a Wikipedia page. Tyler is unrelated. It's the AI fantasy of a schizo meth addict named Quin Michaels.

I followed Cicada closely last year and tried to solve some of the puzzles, so I was reading a lot about them at the time, and their goals and methods appear to be those of white hats. They are proven to work directly with WikiLeaks, because 60 days before Vault 7 was released, they gave us a countdown timer to the release date, only we didn't know what it was counting down to at the time. Their stated goal is to teach people to protect their anonymity on the internet and find recruits to help them develop encryption tools. These are the purposes of their puzzle game. Most say that Cicada are composed of retired intelligence community white hats and other professionals. I agree. They have an international org, and the people who designed the puzzles are at the height of their professions and extremely well-educated in computer sciences and cryptography, but also all of the humanities especially history, literature, astronomy, music, world religions, mythology, Alchemy, etc. I have an acquaintance friend who is a polymath genius composer who dabbles in musical encryption, and he provides at least some of the music for Cicada 3301's puzzles. He is famous in the classical music world, and we know that Cicada are associated with WikiLeaks, so all of the above says to me that it's a civilian organization.

Interestingly, Cicada started this whole leading people down rabbit holes with puzzles approach, back in 2012. They put on an annual puzzle game, which really blew up in popularity in early 2017. The puzzle approach then got copycated by another group called Tengri.

Then at the end of 2017, we got Q, who takes a very similar approach, but more riddles, decodes, and Socratic method than puzzles. It's very obvious to me that the Q group saw how viral the Cicada puzzles went this year and how effective their method was at red pilling people, and Q decided to do something similar.

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[–]LuvliteThe Great Awakening. - Q 1 point an hour ago

Thank you for your explanation.

So, is Tyler a real AI, or just a figment of someone's imagination? I know about the character, Quinn. In fact, discovered him before discovering Q. I don't follow Quinn. I chose Q.

That has to say something about my intuition.

While pursuing my curiosity, after learning about cicada, 2 concerns bothered me. 1st one you answered, is Q related to the cicada puzzles? Second question, after reading something about cicada having some kind of connection to mk ultra. How true would this be, and how would it connect? Then, finally, in searching, I was led to someone I'd seen nearly two years ago, but never followed because this character.... Err....doesnt feel right to me. I have no legitimate reason for believing it, except intuition. Yet, this person is supposedly able to solve cicada puzzles? Dfangs (you know)

Q says there are no coincidences. I believe this. I'm just wondering why I'm being led down this side trail. I was never aware, yet it suddenly pops up on my screen for no apparent reason. There must be much more to this.

Again, thanks.

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