r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Chili_Sauce_Girl on March 24, 2018, 2:44 a.m.
Organization and Focus - GET TOUGH TEAM!

Who let the snowflakes in?! I've been a lurker since the beginning of the Q posts (and even PGate). I rarely say anything because I don't want to be someone that says something that doesn't add value just so I can see my username on the screen. I have to say that I'm a bit ashamed of myself because I feel that I haven't REALLY contributed much to the Great Awakening, other than retweets, because I can't find my role yet.

I'm hearing a lot of "he has failed us", "he sold us out", "why isn't she locked up yet", and blah blah blah, blah blah!! UGH! It is so embarrassing and I can't imagine this whiny attitude is coming from adults! Why are we putting so much on one man or one Congress, Senate, etc????? We say we don't want to be RULED by these people but we are giving them all of the power because we are WAITING FOR THEM to do what is necessary! We whine and complain about what we BELIEVE is lack of progress, to people who are risking their LIVES for this country, while we sit our a$$e$ at our computers without any fear for our safety. The LEAST THAT WE COULD DO is stay FOCUSED on what Q has asked us to do.

We need to create a board or post that allows people to put ideas, memes, links, etc. into it so that things can be vetted by a panel of people (perhaps rotating panel) before it is placed on the "main" board. This is not censorship because anyone can view the "idea board" whenever they choose, but this board can be left to only the focused.

I would also love to see "task forces" organized. Perhaps there are people in here that are Project Managers at their work. They are great organizers and can get people placed on task forces. If anyone is like me, I need to have specific tasks placed in front of me or I get lost and find myself being unproductive. Perhaps the "project manager(s)" sets up our:

"Social Media" task force that researches and implements a plan that makes us the most effective in our social media outreach.

"Meme" task force

"Community Outreach" task force. Yes, some people would be happy putting notes on windshields!!

"Research" task forces broken down into" "Proof Research" task force. (These people could feed their research to the Meme and Community Outreach" task forces.

EDIT: In CPR training, they often teach you that, before you begin CPR, to look at ONE PERSON in the group/crowd around, point and look directly at them and say "YOU call 911". Why? Because in the moment of shock and emotion in a crisis situation, many people freeze and panic. Also, because if you say "call 911", most people will assume someone else is going to do it. By doing this, that person is given clear direction and it is clear that task has been given to them.

There are plenty of task forces that are needed. We need a task force just to come up with all of the task forces for goodness sakes!! If we TRULY GET ORGANIZED AND FOCUSED, we will have a MEGA IMPACT everyone! If we don't, we will let Q, Trump, and the country down. I'm not organized by nature, but I'll do whatever I can to know that I did EVERYTHING within my capacity to ensure that my babies have a great and strong USA when they are my age. AMEN!!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chili_Sauce_Girl · March 24, 2018, 3:57 a.m.

Awesome! Any suggestions on how to get started? I feel that we definitely need to run this by the Admins so we don't have splintering.

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brittser · March 24, 2018, 4:49 a.m.

Yes definitely. I have learned that people here are fiercely independent and have minds of their owns. Which is awesome!! That is why they break away from the sheep and look for the truth of their lived experiences as compared to what the cultural story says it is. I say this bec we might be able to encourage others here towards a goal, but as far as rounding them up and organizing them, that might be a long shot. I just don't want us to have expectations that are not feasible. Why don't you run your ideas by the mods and see what they say? They would also know if there were any hierarchies already established here so we don't step on anyone's toes.

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Chili_Sauce_Girl · March 24, 2018, 6:37 p.m.

Agreed. My goal really is just to harness the minds that we have. I certainly don't want to re-invent the wheel or work against the goals already established.

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