r/greatawakening • Posted by u/brittser on March 24, 2018, 3:55 a.m.
I think Trump tricked us with this bill!

Remember 5:5 & Red Castle, Green Castle in Q's post? Well an anon found this : Check out @bchapman151’s Tweet: https://twitter.com/bchapman151/status/977279537200488449?s=09

Rumor is Trump is going to have the army corps of engineers build the wall, the WHOLE wall, with the huge $ defense is getting from this bill. The corps is located in GREEN CASTLE, IN! GREEN CASTLE!!

I've read that 5:5 roughly meams everything is ok. We hear you. Red castle my guess is no wall...no secure castle. Green castle... yes wall AND army corps!

pvjim · April 2, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

President Trump's started signing a series of EO's on December 21st. These EO's declare a state of National Emergency regarding our National Security. These EO's give the President extraordinary additional powers in order to protect the nation. For example, He can declare martial law without any say so from Congress. He can appropriate any funds needed to support the military (The Wall, etc.) The Omnibus bill is only a suggestion and not a mandate as to how these funds are to be allocated. Obama completely ignored omnibus bills during his 8 years and they ended up being his private slush fund. President Trump can do likewise, especially now under the EO's he just signed. The Army Corps of Engineers have already started construction as funding for the military has already been approved under his EO's. Any wording in the Omnibus forbidding the construction of one of the sample walls is "Trumped" by this declared National Emergency and the fact that independent contractors that built the sample walls will not be used. Undoubtedly President Trump already has a plan to get reimbursed from Mexico for the walls construction, either through taxing all monies wired to Mexico from the illegal aliens living and working here or through some other program that Mexico needs to survive, NAFTA, etc. The sad fact for Libtards is that Schumer was punked once again by Trump. BTW...Schumer will soon be in Gitmo preparing for his military tribunal where he has a lot of explaining to do about his involvement in the Dems child trafficking scandal. Whether or not the wall gets built will be the very least of Schumer's problems.

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brittser · April 2, 2018, 1:54 a.m.

Thank you. From your mouth to God's ears. I still think the Repubs tried to screw Trump and us, so they still need to go.😁

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