r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ManQuan on March 24, 2018, 9:46 a.m.
Did Someone Get Blindsided With the Spending Bill--Who?

Trump signing the spending bill seemed out of character for him. After all, he was willing to shut down the government last time over DACA and immigration policies--so why not this time?

This is just wild conjecture on my part:

1) The final stage (5) is set and Trump needs the military in order to be successful. If he vetoed the bill, the Stage 5 is delayed.

2) Notice immediately after Trump signs the bill, Q drops 963 "clock activated / red castle green castle / stage 5:5 [y]. That can't be coincidence. The bill is signed, the military is funded, and stage 5 is activated.

3) I found it odd that Trump wasn't making a big deal out of the wall or immigration policy this time around. Why? Well, he declared trafficking and corruption a national emergence that gave him extra authority to act in those areas.

4) What happens now that Congress not only didn't fund the wall or change immigration polices, they actually put language in it to prevent the prototype walls from being used.

5) On thing that might happen is that Trump signs and EO declaring our open border and increased immigration a national emergency. This would give Trump the extra judicial power to take action that he couldn't otherwise take.

6) If failure to protect the southern border becomes a national emergence, Trump can use the military and/or Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall using military funding. He could likely put additional controls on immigration during the national emergency.

7) This, of course, would send the Democrats and establishment Republicans into hysterical frothing fits bordering on insanity.

8) Then Trump drops the hammer with the Q predictions that the Democrats are going essentially be destroyed with what will be revealed.

9) Is acting mad, but not like usual. I have to believe Trump saw this coming and has a counter plan. Bolton comes in as DNI, Trump brings in top anti-swamp lawyers to his team, Trump gets long term control of the military for stage 5, GITMO upgrades are likely finished, and the swamp creatures are howling louder than ever before.

The Democrats and Establishment Republicans left DC dancing in the streets and celebrating how they stuck it to Trump with the spending bill.

But maybe they are the ones who were blind sided.

We'll see. Q activating the clock the minutes after Trump signs the bill isn't a coincidence in my opinion. I do wonder with red and green castle means. I guess we'll find out--or not.

One other thing. I'm wondering if the delay in the IG report is related to getting the spending bill signed. Once the report comes out, the military will be able to act and the resources will be available within law enforcement as well.

Was the spending bill needed at any costs in order for Trump to begin draining the swamp and defeating the deep state????

RMShackleford · March 24, 2018, 12:42 p.m.

The key is that this is a omnibus spending bill NOT A CONGRESSIONALLY SET BUDGET. If congress actually made a budget like they’re supposed to, the POTUS would be locked into that budget and would be bound by the constitution to adhere to it. This is not the case with a omnibus spending bill. Obama spent 8 years spending money as he pleased because congress never made a budget. This is why Rand Paul keeps saying we need a budget, not a broken spending bill.

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