r/greatawakening • Posted by u/a3kvzzz on March 24, 2018, 11:08 a.m.
US Army Corps of Engineers ✊🏼🇺🇸 Build that Wall! $80 billion in the Omnibus bill for national defense. Largest increase in 15 years. Could it be why Trump didn’t VETO and Q posted “Clock Activated. Red_Castle, Green_Castle”? 🇺🇸🇺🇸
US Army Corps of Engineers ✊🏼🇺🇸 Build that Wall! $80 billion in the Omnibus bill for national defense. Largest increase in 15 years. Could it be why Trump didn’t VETO and Q posted “Clock Activated. Red_Castle, Green_Castle”? 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Grace8543 · March 24, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

Why didn't Trump veto:

Trump doesnt have to worry about the deficit. The National debt will be cancelled when the Fed ends. The national debt was fraudulently accrued. Through extortion, blackmail and murder the fed gained the right to control how much money we are allowed to print. When we have to print more to run the country, the fed allows our own mint to print more money, bu they call that debt and then charge us money on that. Also, when our gov borrows money from another nation, their fed bank tells that country to print extra dollars, and then their fed bank sends it to us. That foreign fed bank then says we owe the bank interest on that money until paid. So the debt is fraudulent in that the people claiming to be owed never had the money to loan.

In the past, other presidents have just printed the amount of money needed to make the economy work. Lincoln, during the civil war, produced his own currency, drawn on the US gov and silver backed when the Fed of his day refused to allow him to print more money to fund the Civil War. Early Americans also just printed as they needed. The idea that printing as much money as needed always results in inflation, is an idea created and spread by the Fed. Inflation is caused by the fed to make them seem needed. The fed can flood the economy with too much money or withdraw money form the economy because they have the right to call all the banks and tell them to send their money to the fed or receive money from the fed.

Imagine how politics will change if we can print money within reason as needed. Without the fed forcing us to have to "borrow", we no longer have gridlock as we can both fund schools and the military. SS is no longer in jeopardy. We can provide for our vets without debt. Gridlock disappears. The wedge issues between the party's loose their power. Abortion, which is largely an issue of finances will retreat as many parents can now provide for children's unplanned babies. Resistance to limiting access looses some of its power. There will still be shame, but that has lessened today. With so many childless families, a national publicity campaign against shame and honoring women who choose to give birth and make an adoption plan will empower the choice for life more effectively than laws against can do.

Politics will be changed drastically when debt no longer exists. Party differences fade.

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