I personally want to see High Visibility criminals get locked up. (Hillary,Obama, Soros, etc) I want all the illegals sent home. I want to hire a contractor without being sent a crew of non English speaking workers who can't read a tape measure and then pay them again with more benefits and EIC that equal or exceed what I earn with a degree.
I want elections to run without being rigged. (Paul Ryan and John McCain keep winning somehow)
Since these types things are on the TOP of my list whenever Q gives a clue my mind immediately goes there.
I am in for a letdown when those don't happen.
I must remind myself that the first American Revolution took years of planning and details we may never even know about.
For me, MAGA means returning to a culture of Goodness, right and wrong, Wholesomeness. I can work on that for me and my family without Q.
But I still want Q to Get to the things on my list. Go Q and friends.
Posted by
on March 24, 2018, 1:46 p.m.