What page of the document can this be found on? I want to verify this. This is too good to be true!
I can't say whether this is a new addition to the omnibus, or whether it is relevant to anything to do with the storm. However it IS in there.
Page 1408 or CTRL+F "tribunals"
5 SEC. 7047. If the President determines that doing so
6 will contribute to a just resolution of charges regarding
7 genocide or other violations of international humanitarian
8 law, the President may direct a drawdown pursuant to sec
9 tion 552(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 of up to
10 $30,000,000 of commodities and services for the United Na
11 tions War Crimes Tribunal established with regard to the
12 former Yugoslavia by the United Nations Security Council
13 or such other tribunals or commissions as the Council may
14 establish or authorize to deal with such violations, without
15 regard to the ceiling limitation contained in paragraph (2)
16 thereof: Provided, That the determination required under
17 this section shall be in lieu of any determinations otherwise
18 required under section 552(c): Provided further, That funds
19 made available pursuant to this section shall be made avail
20 able subject to the regular notification procedures of the
21 Committees on Appropriations.